
Your daily dose of inspiration and motivation to keep going

Inspiration, Workout

It’s a proven fact that people who live in a big cities has more stress, anxiety level is higher and they rest less than the ones living in smaller cities and countryside. 

Taking me for example, been way more stressed than I have ever been last 12 months than i believe in whole life. Of course with the age (now I can say that officially) comes also more responsibilities, more duties and expectations are higher. From outside world as well as my own. I want constantly improve, I push myself more and rest less. Not only for work but also in personal achievements and even fitness, and not oftenly putting the mental health and mind on peace. which cause for accumulated stress levels which outbursts into a sickness.

I believe that I am not the only one, therefore sharing this message with all of you: 

It’s OK to give you an extra rest day

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For many of us work week starts on Monday and the same for a workout, a new workout program, a new diet, etc. Everything in the end starts on Mondays. Which is cool for many people and used by 99% I know, but getting older (5 days to go-O.M.G.) I have realized that I don’t want my workout week to start on Monday. It just doesn’t work for me.

Why I don’t want to start on Monday anymore? Because it’s too much to handle and sometimes too long to wait that meanwhile you just find some excuses to be lazy, eat bad or postpone starting all that good fitness and training objectives that really could make a difference, so when monday arrives you already start with a guilt of missed/not done exercises, skipped diet/clean eating and being overall lazy – to sum up – you start with minuses and probably you are also less motivated. Read More


Hola chicquitas and chicos! Happy New Year to y’all! Delayed, you will think? Nah, just in time. In time for catching up and making up those plans for 2017 with some concrete dates and actions to make this one amazing year!

So New Year in Mexico was pretty amazing – sun, sand, great beach and wonderful time, but about that on Sunday. Now, let me tell you what, for the first time, I didn’t do – I didn’t make any resolution this year at all. Just because it does not make any sense to me. My year doesn’t finishes, and magically starts something new and all old is forgotten and also, all the resolutions set in new Year’s eve usually are forgot in 2 weeks time leaving delusion and bitterness for another failed one. Read More


On gray Mondays like this one we tend to dream about summer, far away places and holiday. Luckily for me – I have to hang in here just one week and off I go to a sunny place called Mexico. And as always before any vacation – preparation is the key! 

Of course Trip Advisor, Travel Blogs and local tips has been already checked and noted down – what to do, see and try so the only thing left to do – is to count down the days and make this more visual.

As for a visual person I had to prepare my visual board for this holiday, so of course than is always easier to stick to the plan fulfilling it!

Friends asked me what is my plan for the holiday: and honestly, I have just experience&photo check list. As i want to make this vacation truly careless and easy going than I really not booking anything, not planning much, just will flow the stream (hopefully with turtles). Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

On Motivational Monday it should be all about motivation and inspiration to get you going so let’s not make any exceptions and will share you my motivation on the week.

So the bad news is that after 6 months fighting to get rid of the results of my summer intoxication in Portugal ( which despite on unfortunate events did not ruin that wonderful road trip). turns out that I have a partly conclusion – I won a gastritis! (yeah, how you get that in your twenties, you will ask? Well intoxication and stress, my friend. Stress is the root of the evil. Telling you!). 

Needless to say that have been quite down because of this – uncertainty, pain, discomfort, medicine, gym&workout skipping due to that, which has lead to a weight gain and slight obsession of losing the weight, work traveling and mental exhaustion of all work overload. So let’s say this fall hasn’t been the most relaxing, BUT finally I am one step closer resolving the issues – first, I have diagnosis and second part of exam results will come in 2 weeks.  Honestly I am quite glad of this diagnoses because I finally know what it really is and I can start fixing it.

Next is getting back in shape Read More

Repeatedly, psychology tests have proven that telling someone your goal makes it less likely to happen.

-   Derek Sivers   -

Keep your goals to yourself - the road might be lonely one but definitely worth it |

Keep your goals to yourself – the road might be lonely one but definitely worth it

Have you ever failed reaching your goal? if so – have you thought why it has happened? Well I have and I tell you people that this is definitely linked with our inner goal-getter. As soon as you announce your goal to the world or even to some closest people seems that happens everything (even impossible) to get in your way to prevent you from reaching it.  So what you (me) do? you give up. Of course it deludes us and kills our self esteem every time you don’t reach it and makes harder and harder to get motivated again and set once more a new goal.


I have really high self motivation and drive and it’s hard to stop me (that’s when all the impossible things happen).  Now and then wake up with my goals scattered and being nowhere near them. Of course it’s frustrating because you have 2 options – give up or start again. I always (after some wining and thinking the world is against me) go for second option.


This morning I read an article about goals in Virgin and it got me! Indeed! When you say your goals/dreams to someone they are less likely to come true! It makes complete sense now because every time I publicly (also here) announce something – it is probable to not happen.  This article really made me realise this.

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Autumn is here and as the days got shorter seems that also motivation is starting to becoming more and more absent from our everyday lives. As for me I think I have mastered the way to turn each excuse or objective into a motivation to keep on going.

As been facing them all than I am pretty confident that know answers and how to trick the body get over the obstacle and stay focused and keep striving for progress.

Here are my autumn fitness and clean eating obstacles and how to get over them:

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Inspiration, Workout

Still 3 weeks to go till vacation but before that, there is a little thing called “my wedding” that has eaten up all of my time. To Stay sane I am concentrating to gym and getting my mind in peace by sweating it out and get my thoughts gathered. I must say – works every time and also helps to build that summer body (and also let you to eat a little bit more than you should..obviously at your wedding and vacation, because now it is not the right time to give in to all temptations and cravings.

So today I decided that  I need some visual inspiration for that summer body and gym motivation as it is a workout Wednesday.

Also I have been struggling hard to get back on track this summer with all the crazy traveling and intoxication and stress that have to catch up with my progress so started incorporating more often supersets in my workout in order to burn some more calories and work on that muscle building. additionally rolling to work with my bicycle as an extra calory burner- must say been working nicely.

Me with Mr.Holland and my dog friend

Me with Mr.Holland and my dog friend

I burn 220 kcal to go to work with bike and 220 to come back. I see only benefits on this: No pushing in a crowded public transport, no pollution, fast as wind, independent and shredding while having fun. try yourself.

So here comes my inspiration that might help you too. Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau
  • Popping-in at Marina Hoermanseder’s show during Berlin Fashion week

Popping-in at Marina Hoermanseder’s show during Berlin Fashion week

So I went to Berlin to see Marina Hermanseder show as part of our new and exciting collaboration between Sanrio and Marina for co-branded Hello Kitty line. The weather was wonderful:sun was shining and the Swarovski  embroidered crystals was sparkling especial bright giving a magic touch to the models outfits.

The line was colorful and fun with nice touch of Marina’s signature belts, bows and butterflies. Wonderful Louboutin sandals and heels gave extra glamour and summer chic to the collection. Needless to say that would love to have them all in my closet too. Both-outfits and shoes.
Here is my favorite picture from the show – with happy and smiley Marina herself after the show.

Me and lovely Marina

Here are some pearls from the show.

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Signing up for an adventure is easier to say than actually do it. Especially when you are burying yourself in works, studies, and just every day routine and when the weekend comes you just want to stay in and sleep.

lazy weekend in bed

Lazy weekend

Of course sometimes it is just an absolute necessary to have one lazy weekend when you lock yourself in a house and just get some deserved rest and sleep and time for yourself to recharge batteries Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester