
Fit food & Drinks

We all know what is good for you and what should you be eating but sometimes, when the temptations are on every corner, (yes you,  delicious Italian gelato vendors, I refer to you) we forget about and just gave in to our cravings. As I am not in position to gave in to any temptations ( getting married and still under super-strict eating regimen) than I am here to share you some good tips for a healthy and balanced diet that might help you when you are doing your grocery shopping for the week.

Here are some tips approved by Women’s Health Nutritionist Eve Kalinik and me backing up the theory what should you eat for a healthy diet and weight loss.

One week healthy diet menu


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Fit food & Drinks
It’s been a while since I had been posting my food experiments, but that does not mean that I was making them – in contrary, I have been more active than ever mixing, matching, adding and experimenting.
One of my easiest, fastest preparing discovery of all time was an Egg&Mushroom frittata healthy snack which can be easily brought to work with you as it is divided by single muffin molds. Clever, huh? Read More


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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester