

Spring is here, summer on the door step and it means – diet on the full swings and workout & cardio is go-go! 

So far April going as planned and sticking to diet, going to work (8+8 km) with bicycle 2x a week as extra cardio and regular (3-4x per week) gym hitting including strength and cardio training. The best way to give a boost to that stubborn fat is HIIT training (have wrote about it already and can see some exercise programs here). So today, in workout wednesxday, sharing with you my new HIIt trainign program that consists only from 3 moves, but burning like crazy!

3 move HIIT workout

equipment needed : treadmill, jump rope

4km (2,5 mph) – treadmill walk to warm up


Treadmill walk – 2min at 4km/h incline 6

treadmill run – 2 min at 11,3km/h ( 7 mph) incline 4

Treadmill walk – 1 min at 5 km/h (3 mph) incline 0

Jumpe rope – 200 reps

Sit ups – 50-100

repeat 2-3 times


What’s your exercise plan for this Workout Wednesday?




We all know that motivation is a key to achieve any aim or target, but sometimes one – is simple just not enough. As for me – I have several that keeps on getting updated or changed constantly. 

So if lacking some workout motivation – maybe you should ask yourself – why you should do it and with an answers you come up – just put a reasonable timing for the aim and divide in milestones. Read More

Me & My Beau

Oh, hello sunny Monday! Another weekend over and another work week is ahead of us with new aims, goals and plans, like, for example, getting rid of the toxins! we all, of course, have heard about toxins (A  poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms that can be small molecules, peptides, or proteins that are capable of causing disease on contact with or absorption by body tissues interacting with biological macromolecules. Ref. Wikipedia). In other words toxins can badly affect your immune system  which are taken by environment and mostly by the food we eat causing diseases, allergies, sickness and for sever cases even death. 

There is no really a good way to avoid taking toxins by environment or pollution or people around you, but there is definitely a way to avoid them coming to your plate.

Here are tips for food shopping and label reading to avoid food contamination:  Read More


People who knows me would call me a gym bunny and healthy lifestyle lover and I guess that’s true (guess trying to write a fitness dedicated blog makes this statement legit) and guess that’s why the reason sometimes girls reach out with some workout advice or their fitness updates they wish to share with me. (Which I love, BTW. I am always happy to help. Let’s call this my mission – help people to create the best version of themselves and help as much as I can from my best knowledge – so feel free drop me a line).

Couple of days ago a friend of mine shared her idea to try 30 day squat challenge..and I couldn’t help but frown hearing it. Sure I was glad to hear that she wishes to have a fitness challenge and improve her physical aspect but this was just not the right medicine to work miracles as many people believes. And it’s not their fault, it’s media, fake profiles promoting results after their 30 day challenges, before and after pictures, that are actually found on internet and “borrowed” from real people or just plainly photoshopped. All these things gives us impression that after a 30 day challenge, not only squat challenge, we will have this amazing body: lifted and round booty, perfect beach body or super toned arms. 

Of course it’s wonderful to believe and trust me – I have been there, believing that a challenges and a short term workouts found on women’s magazines would give me my dream body, but unfortunately been deluded way too many times, as I believe, rest of us, when thinking about the result and being inspired from a star/unreal people social media profiles and magazines. The thing that makes us all believe that it can be done is comparison with others. Stop doing it! It will take you nowhere!

But don’t get me wrong – I love challenges! They inspires me. Like trying out some model fitness training program, like did with Dan Roberts (trainer for Victoria’s Secret Angels) training schedule. Or the Blogilates challenge – Journey to splits.  But despite truly admire the girl and were performing religiously my stretches every day I did not manage to have my complete split just because I started from proper newbie/beginner level and expected to arrive where others would after years and years of training and practice. (If don’t believe me – check my experience and photo check-in). Just saying that you should never compare someones middle to your beginner and underestimate the work behind it.

no comparisons |

No comparisons

Consider the fact that this 30 day challenge has to be tailored to everyone according to their genetics, physical level and lifestyle.

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Inspiration, Me & My Beau

I know many people who dislikes Mondays but I am not one of them, unless I step on the scales and I do not like what I see – a weight increase..(Why, you cruel world, WHY? ) As on every Monday I have always the weight-in time to check my progress/regress of my workout & dieting program and I must admit that the result on the scales can affect my mood quite a lot ( not for a long, tough, but still enough to make my face frown if negative result).

This morning was not the pleasant one as I did not like what I saw, especially because been busting my butt in a gym in a hard workout sessions and clean eating all last week to catch up with my regress after Japan. Of course I felt robbed and down despite the fact that I know that scales reflects just a number but mirror and your clothes are the real indicator of your progress.

Scales shows just a number but mirror and your clothes are the real indicator of the progress you are making.

But sometimes Read More


I believe Leg day is one of the most made fun (right after burpees) of and most created hate-memes on internet, however it is love-hate relationship ( guilty as charged), we say we hate them but we love the benefits of it. Let’s be honest – who doesn’t like a round, lifted and shaped booty and lean legs?  (and if you say: me! you are probably lying to yourself!)

I know Leg day can be scary as it involves moving to the scary part of the gym – the free weights and machines zone, that usually are full just with the guys and it gets pretty intimidating when a girl gets there. I know, because I have been there, not knowing what I am doing, what others are thinking of me and risking to be ridiculous. However after a while, when you get the right mindset and preparation it gets better.

The preparation is everything to use the heavy weights in a gym: the correct mindset, inspiring workout playlist (+ I-am-not-here-to-talk face) and a training schedule or exercise plan.

They say the good preparation is a half victory of the battle and I couldn’t agree more. I always have my workout playlist ready and a exercise plan with me to stay focused and give the 100% of myself of the training. 

I have already wrote about Leg Day exercises and even made a video to show how to. (Check it here).

As we know the workout routines should be switched periodically to constantly challenge your body and improve it than here is some new leg day workout schedule to try out. 

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Me & My Beau, Travel, Workout

The best thing that always get be on track and helps to overcome a jet lag is a training. A good weight or a cardio  training the day after arriving to help to adjust to the new rhythm and time zone. As all last week I spent Tokyo and had a pretty hectic and busy meeting schedule that having a training was the best thing. Luckily for me I found a wonderful fitness center – NAS Sports club  – fully equipped gym in the same building as my hotel in Osaki, Tokyo.

As this was a real gym than could easily stick to my training routine during my stay which made me truly happy especially as been on my strict training and dieting regime since beginning of the year.

The gym is spacious, offers all the types of regular weight machines as well as free weights for an efficient weight training. (had a killer leg day that were sore for next 2 days).  Read More


Another Monday starts with a weight-in! Already 3rd since started the 12 week challenge! This time – a positive one! And for a good news to start the day :  minus another 500g and everything goes like a plan! So far, so good! My strict training schedule has been obeyed pretty well and start getting used to it and therefore also first results. Since the start – minus 1kg. Woot! woot.

So my Monday is pretty self motivated with the first results achieved. Now just need to keep on going, focus on goals and get rid slowly from some bad habits – like my espresso with milk and incorporate some more different greens for a variety of my diet.

Loving the below plate – looks fun and delicious. Wouldn’t mind to receive dish like this in some raw bar/ restaurant. 

Eat your greens

Eat your greens!

The next thing to stick to the list is to keep self motivated and look ahead – so today: shoulders and back and no excuses! + adding some inspiration picture of the day to keep going!

Fit girl and picture credit by

Fit girl and picture credit by

Actually this is my complete girl-crash and working to have the same results as this Portuguese beauty to show off myself this June in Portugal beaches.

YES, this is happening, another reason to work harder to reach my 2.0 beach body as me and my girls are hitting beaches this summer in Portugal! So excited and can’t wait to go. 

will keep you posted and updated and of course reach out for ideas and suggestions what to do, see and visit during my Portugal road trip!


What is your Monday inspiration? 


A good posture is a key for a tall, slim and confident look and we all know it, unfortunately having many hours sitting in front of PC can truly affect it and what’s worse can even cause you pain. The way to fix it is by doing physical exercises but not only that, but also stretching, so here are some great advice for exercises and stretches you should be doing 3 times per week to improve on your body.

Let’s start with the body groups: Read More


It’s been third day of my new hard-core, 12 week fitness, exercise and dieting plan. And I must say I am sore as sore can be, but good kind of sore as I a know it is working and can’t wait to see first results. 

One of the things I incorporated in my Workout plan, after each streght training is a 4 minute Tabata*-inspired circuit. 

*Tabata interval protocol is a high-intensity interval training that consists of 20 seconds of intense exercise and 10 seconds of rest. Tabata has been created originally by Japanese reseracher Dr. Izumi Tabata

This circuit works very well to finish up your training routine at gym. it takes only 4 minutes and best working if performed 3 times per week, as it takes only 4 minutes and requires only body weight than can be performed e en when all cardio machines are occupied at gym. Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester