

Hola chicquitas and chicos! Happy New Year to y’all! Delayed, you will think? Nah, just in time. In time for catching up and making up those plans for 2017 with some concrete dates and actions to make this one amazing year!

So New Year in Mexico was pretty amazing – sun, sand, great beach and wonderful time, but about that on Sunday. Now, let me tell you what, for the first time, I didn’t do – I didn’t make any resolution this year at all. Just because it does not make any sense to me. My year doesn’t finishes, and magically starts something new and all old is forgotten and also, all the resolutions set in new Year’s eve usually are forgot in 2 weeks time leaving delusion and bitterness for another failed one. Read More


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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester