Fit food & Drinks
Recipe: Apple-cinnamon oat muffins

Recipe: Apple-cinnamon oat muffins

Bonjour! 🙂 It’s Friday! ^_^

As promised, here comes the 2nd part of my baking-muffin-frenzy from last weekend! this time without protein powder but still really healthy and low on calories! Must try it!
1 egg
1 glass of milk
2 glasses of flour
1 glass of oat flakes*
3 tbsp olive or coconut oil
0,5 glass brown sugar
1,5 big apple
1 tsp baking powder
0,5 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
a hint of vanilla extract (i put vanilla to everything for a smell 🙂 )
*(can use whatever type you prefer. i usually use flakes and roast them on a pan before till they get golden – just like in muesli, but can be also blended or powder type)
the result: Cupcakes
STEP ONE: Mix all ingredients together. Chop really small pieces apple before)
STEP TWO: put 2/3 of the baking forms. (I always put the muffin papers as well to

STEP THREE: pre-heat the own to 200°C. put them baking for 20min. do not open the doors in first 15min. otherwise they won’t grow if the cold air will get in.

Apple cinnamon muffins
And voilà! we have a delicious muffins! fast, healthy and perfect for a breakfast! and if have time and patience you ca start decorating them and making toppings. I used Nutella and colorful sprinkles for diversity.


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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester