Fit food & Drinks
Recipe: Sunday’s special – orange muesli power bars

Recipe: Sunday’s special – orange muesli power bars

I know it has been time since I last time wrote here, but I am back and re-loaded and some nice recipe to share: an Orange muesli (power) bars.
Last couple of Sunday’s I have been trying to spoil people around me with something sweet 🙂 this time took some pictures of my favorite healthy snack recipe. Must try this – it will be appreciated by everyone who wants to please their sweet tooth and eat healthy at the same time.

orange power bars – muesli


this what you will need:

3 eggs
2 egg whites
200g low fat cottage cheese
150g oat flakes
3 oranges (500g)
120g raisins
150g black dried plums
50g goji berries
50g dried red fruits
100g almonds
70g mango
50g dried pineapple and papaya
1 t.spoon of cinnamon

necessary ingredients

Step 1: cut everything in a small pieces. wash good oranges as you will cut them with whole peel (just cut off the top and bottom parts. ( i always wash in a hot water also all other dried fruits.)

Step 2: mix together eggs and egg whites with cottage cheese

slightly burnt oats on the pan

Step 3: heat up the oats on a frying pan till they got golden brown (if feel like can also skip the step)

Cut oranges in small pieces
cut and mix everything together

Step 4: Mix all ingredients together. (this might sound odd to you but i love beautiful and colorful kitchen utensils and ceramics – the cooking is a lot more fun from a pretty ones. i love a lot my bf’s spaghetti bowl – just amazing 🙂 made my cooking frenzy more fun).

press everything on a pan

Step 5:  pre-heat your oven to 150C.  put everything on pan with a baking paper, press it good and put in an oven for 150C for 40min or cook till it gets browny-golden color.

And voilà! it’s ready. Cool it down and cut it into the small pieces as muesli bars or cookies. and if a chocolate lover you can also melt a dark chocolate in a hot water bath and pour it over them and you will get chocolate-orange muesli bars 🙂 (as not a chocolate lover than i don’t do it. but the possibilities are endless. just let your imagination wild and try it for yourself.

orange muesli bars

*Tip: if feel lazy to cut all those ingredients you can always use an food processor, blender etc. but i go old-fashion cutting frenzy 🙂 Enjoy 🙂

Oh yeah and from all this you will get 56 pieces of 30g (just like typical muesli bar) and here are the nutrition info.

Nutrition Facts

*love this Calorie counter for recipes – so useful -

Nutrition Facts per 100g:

Kcal: 180
Fat: 4,8g
Carbs: 28,7g
Protein: 6,4g

( just to let you know in Kellog’s muesli bars nutrition info for 100g are 453 kcal.. soooo me and my home-made orange muesli bars win! ^_^ )

p.s. if making for yourself – let me know how it went. would be glad to hear some feedback.
p.s.s. perfect for healthy and fit people and ooooorrr both to buy someone’s love 😛


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One Comment

  1. austra

    February 25, 2014 at 6:11 am

    mmm looks awesome!
    Should give it a try!


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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester