
Inspiration, Me & My Beau

Starting new year with a bang and a plan is something I have done and I believe  – you should too! Why, you will ask me, well the thing about the BANG is that it is loud, it is clear and it cannot be mistaken nor ignored! Even better – it will be noticed and remembered! Whatever it is you plan to achieve this year – do it, announce it with a BANG! Not because you should show off! no! No! But to step on the Start line and have a no way back, no backing out but just to do it! 

My Bang is starting a hard core, no-excuse workout and diet plan like I never did before in my life without giving up, no stopping or stepping down and no hold backs no matter how tough the life will become !

I am determined to make this the fittest year ever!

Starting my 12 week diet/workout challenge to lose body fat, keep a track (see the workout schedule and template – HERE). and tone the muscles to be in a perfect shape for Fitness fair in spring and who knows, maybe even manage to enroll as a Bikini Model – (or fake it by having a bikini model photo session – again! terrified).

Rosa Leona, INBA Angel 2015, Season A. Photo credit – Whentezshredz.


Would be wonderful to earn my wings.. the bikini Model wings in my case not the Victoria’s Secret wings (even though wouldn’t mind that either 🙂 ).

Victoria's Secret Angel - Candice

Victoria’s Secret Angel – Candice

So, there, said it – that’s my BANG! The Bikini contest participation! (Terrified even writing this down, BUT, time is tight and there is no better motivator than a time pressure and a public announcement! (As I stick with my guns and stand behind my words! ) So hold on world, I am on my way to make the best out of it and push me over the limits! 

Make yourself proud

Make yourself proud – exactly what I plan to do!

So stay tuned, will keep you posted how my journey will go.

Starting stats: 4,1Kg to lose and 84 days to go. Week 1. Day 1.


WHAT’S YOUR “BANG”? What you wish to reach this year?

Inspiration, Me & My Beau, Workout
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker

Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker

New year, new you! This is my New year’s motto, resolution and objective! Been the craziest end of the year so far and not entirely in the fittest and healthiest way to be completely honest with you.. However 2016 has arrived and it gives you another chance to start over or take it where you last left off. For me it is with the fitness objectives, that I wish to take up where I left it more than a month ago. 

I could tell you everything that happened and add some excuse on the top but the truth is – there is not point of that, as it will not really change the situation. Did I work out last 3 weeks? Honestly ? No. But do I feel bad about it? Definitely yes! (Of course 1 week I was sick as a monkey and did not get out of the bed with a bad fever, but that’s gone as well), 2 weeks I am here in Calabria at my boyfriend’s family over holiday and no working out as well as A – everything is closed, B – it’s not really the right place and time to do it when you are visiting family and C – I lacked of motivation as where so tired, exhausted and just needed a rest to regain strengths,will and inspiration.. and you know what? It worked out splendidly!

I am inspired, motivated and fully recharged to get the shape of the life! 

So this is what I have been up to last couple of days – I designed my own workout calendar – tracking board to keep my progress.

 I know that I do better if I track my progress and put it in a visual place like on the wall or fridge doors together with some inspirational pictures.  Read More


It’s been a month I have run out of a gym subscription and I still haven’t renewed one. it’s not because I would be injured, or lazy but because I have been running around so much that physically had no time to squeeze in proper workout sessions at gym But that does not mean I have stopped working out – Not at all! I have been busting my butt at home workout by doing HIIT, and targeted area exercises or having Muay Thai lessons and even squeezed in some TRX training to stay active till get my things in a order and start gym again. 

Even though next week is my last week before heading to Calabria (South of Italy) to spend winter break so no point of signing up for a gym yet. But not about vacations is this story, but about HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training. 

Jumping Split squat miss athletique

Jumping split squat – one of efficient HIIT training exercises

As a busy girl I not always have much time to do do proper training therefore HIIT comes here really handy as it is really time consuming, efficient and can be performed everywhere. 


  • Efficient – indeed, it can be squeezed in even in the busiest schedule. (The research shows that a 15 minute HIIT session done 3x per week is more efficient than running for an hour on a treadmill. Moreover it improves your aerobic capacity and stamina);
  • Burns more fat – you heard me! it burns fat twice as much. Moreover your body keeps on burning fat 24 hours after the workout. ( explains it scientifically);
  • Increase endurance – extreme training endures and significantly increases your stamina and it’s proven that it will make you to double your performance;
  • No equipment needed- it can be done everywhere depending on your space restrictions (even bedroom), meaning high knees, jumping lunges, burpees, etc.;
  • Lose fat, not muscles – as weight training also HIIT allows to burn fat and not burn muscles as steady cardio;
  • Increase metabolism – HIIT stimulates human growth hormones which increases caloric burn and slows down aging;
  • will not make you bored – trust me, this program definitely will not bore you as there possibilities are endless.

To sum up the HIIT is a perfect instrument to build a stronger, faster and more efficient you – basically 2.0 you by burning fat faster and keeping muscles to give you definition (not talking about bulk. will not become HULK, you just won’t! So don’t worry! add 1-3 HIIT workouts to your training routine and will see you start seeing results in no time!


Some of the different routines you can find HERE and HERE and even HERE.

As today is workout Wednesday I think I am going to make some killer session tonight as well! Who’s in?




We all know that in order to shape up booty we must exercise (and diet), but to get the best results (for ladies) the biggest emphases should always be but on weight/ strength training especially on lower body parts : legs and butt. As today is a Workout Wednesday than I would like to share some of my routine at gym for efficient booty lifting exercises I have been doing, and I must say have improved quite a lot. (Hello tight dresses).

The first thing is to not be afraid of lifting weights or trying some machines when you are at the gym because that is where you can really make some notable changes by lifting weights (and NO, you will not become bulky or a bodybuilder, especially women – it just not happen!) . Of course if you are a complete newbie you should ask someone to show you a round. better if it is a trainer (not a random, good looking guy that seems to be knowing what he is doing. Might turn out he is clueless and just comes to gym to pick up girls.. so bet on the safe side and search for a professional trainer). 

Here are a simple training plan you can do at gym when you have a leg/butt day.

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We often tell ourselves that we do not have time to work out as we have many things to do and when get back home is late and the will is gone to leave the house again to hit the gym or the weather is too bad to go for a run. Or lunch break is too short to go to the gym and get back to the work, etc.  True, it is not easy to force yourself and change the habits, but you have to start somewhere to get things changed and get your body moving if you want to see some changes. Even a short work out during lunch break or before work counts! but you must have a will to try and here is how I am doing it.

if you are not changing anything, nothing will change”

This is also my moto, you have to start somewhere and have the will to give a shot as you will never know if you will not try. I know it is hard to make a big changes overnight and change old habits, but one step at a time and you will see results in no time. 

I have already wrote about keeping notes of diet and setting goals to reach results and see your body changing as well as what exercises you can do at home that burns fat effectively that does not require any weights, but as today is Workout Wednesday and a Workout is a must than I would like to share with you my workout I did before hitting the work this morning. It is easy and does not even require much space therefore no excuses not to try it. Here we go. 

20 min workout routine that can be done everywhere

Do 3 rounds with 30 secs to 1 minute rest between sets :

  1. 20x knee cross crunch with weights (pic above)
  2. 20x static squat 
  3. 20x sumo squat (with or without weight)
  4. 20x lunges on spot (10x per one leg repeated twice)
  5. 2x5m band side walk in squat position
  6. 20x elastic band Extension shoulder level or above head
  7. 20x cross body elastic band shoulder lifting. 
  8. 20x cross body mountain climbers


20 minute workout routine

20 minute workout routine

It is really efficient training and does not even require much space. To make it harder I used 2,3kg (5lbs) anckle weights.

So you now it burns 171 kcal -perfect to start that blood circulating faster and that fat burning. I personally find it pretty useful to sneak in a morning workout if I see that will have no time to squeeze in a workout in the evening and live in a regret that I skipped a workout.


Have you ever done morning workout? How was it? What’s the hardest part to you to break habits?


The winning strategy for efficient fat burning and muscle toning is doing cardio training before any strength workout. However not any cardio will do you good if you will not align it with your workout routine. As today is a Leg day for me than I decided to share you some of my pre-workout cardio tips before working out lower body. 

Forget about running/jogging before working out legs as it will decrease your leg strength and power during training.

Jogging demands more of the knees, hips and ankles making it not ideal for doing right before a leg workout, moreover it doesn’t match up to the same type of movements and hip flexion that you will need during your leg exercises.  

The best would be to do exercises that would mimic the same movements you will be doing later Read More


We all know that hotel gym’s usually does not really offer much possibilities for an efficient workout and that could substitute a proper gym, usually offering just a treadmill, a mat and maybe a bike and couple of weights if you are lucky, so you have to be pretty creative to get a proper workout done. Luckily for me, Novotel West Hammersmith London had more to offer and made my staying last week there way easier. 

The gym itself is not big but offers quite a space and some basic machines: like treadmill, elliptical, rowing and bicycles and in addition multi function weight training machine, fitness ball, step, bench, mats, and dumbbells. Basically basic things to ensure you a good training.  Read More


And we are back in the game! Well I am! started my day with a 6am morning run and tonight ready to get back to the gym! Been a while and feel that I will need an extra effort to catch up with all the lost weeks of training. Especially will need to increase weight training as well as Cardio, but knowing my hectic life schedule and limited times to train I must take drastic measures – like HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to speed up the results and burn some belly fat effectively.

Really nice one HIIT I really like is suggested by Justine Munro (IFBB Bikini Pro, personal trainer, and a fitness model).  After seeing this beauty you will definitely want to give a try to this routine to shred that belly fat – I am on it as well!  Read More

Travel, Workout

In a days like these, when it’s raining cats and dogs all I want to do is to stay in and crawl up on a couch with a hot cup of good tea and read some good book. As I am not on holiday, but on a business trip in Tokyo with one hell of a full agenda than it is not possible. Therefore I have not left choice but to be super active, energized and loaded to manage to make the best out of my trip and overcome the jet lag and be efficient and productive and the best medicine for adopting to the new rhythm is a workout to get you going.

Tip number 1 – You should always check out your destinations fitness center/ gym possibilities in hotel or near distance”.

Luckily for me I am staying in this wonderful, luxury hotel at the heart of Shibuya – Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel. It offers a wonderful facilities and one of them is (quite) fully equipped fitness center, such as: Treadmills × 5, Exercise bikes × 6, Smith machine, weights, leg extension, and more, to ensure you a possibility to maintain your fitness level like a pro.  Read More


Every time I am traveling my choice for airport reading falls to Women’s Health magazine UK as it is full of interesting things, workouts, tips and confessions – not only entertaining but also educational. Especially I love to see the workouts by star trainers and fitness experts as always find something exciting and new to try out or include in my gym routine to spice it up a little. This time was not an exception as decided to challenge myself by doing their September issue workout by star trainer Dan Roberts

As a person who loves to experiment, improve and throw challenges to myself  than I was immediately intrigued and where determined that must test immediately this world famous trainer method: Mindfulness together with martial-arts Hiit

Mostly I was curious to see if this workout actually does something, like makes me feel my muscles ache the day after. Let me already anticipate you – it does. OMG, it does. The day after was bad, especially for my groin muscles where destroyed by doing 100 knee strikes per leg (1st exercise), as this is a muscle that is trained really rarely or superficially, well at least my case.  Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester