

Yet another Sunny Sunday spent in a park training with some seriously cool ladies.  When the weather is still so warm and leaves are golden it’s just a pity to stay in and not enjoy the fresh fall air.

This time I applied Josh Caruthers training program designed for Nike for total body endurance,  core and increase metabolism to get them going and shred some fat (burned aprx. 400 kcal – not bad, eh?). (Last time we went for a circuit training, so this time wanted to spice things up).

This is what we did!  Read More


If you have ever tried circuit training you know how effective it is! (Yes, leaves you breathless and makes you wanna collapse on the floor, but, oh, boy, how it works wonders on those booty shaping and fat shredding and makes you sweat).

Last Sunday I had a pleasure to be in couch position and make some blonde ladies to try out this fun circuit training together in one of sunniest Milan’s parks -Parco Solari.

The workout was aimed for all body parts and for some deep fat shredding. (Which is never bad,am I right?).

So here is the circuit to try for yourself – promise, it will burn and make you feel those sore muscles day after! And best part – you don’t need any equipment, just a mat. Read More


Autumn is here and as the days got shorter seems that also motivation is starting to becoming more and more absent from our everyday lives. As for me I think I have mastered the way to turn each excuse or objective into a motivation to keep on going.

As been facing them all than I am pretty confident that know answers and how to trick the body get over the obstacle and stay focused and keep striving for progress.

Here are my autumn fitness and clean eating obstacles and how to get over them:

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Summer has come to an end (even if doesn’t feel like that in +31C here in Milan already for weeks )and it means just one thing – it is time to get back to everyday routines and it is time to set some new workout and  fitness schedule, make some new goals, aims and challenges! ( not only inside but also the gym!). As it’s easier said than done than some healpful tips are always welcome! ( I am glad to share mine)!

After a long vacation in South of Italy and getting married! ( Dont’ worry will share  some pictures soon!)I will have to catch up with quite a lot of things, especially at fitness and healthy lifestyle level because the one who said that planning your own wedding will make you lose weight was definitely wrong ( my case at least!) and also visiting family in South of Italy where saying “no, grazie!” is not acceptable at the table when granny offers you another slice of home-made parmigiana or lasagna ( also you do not want ot say no to this treat).
don't say no to granny

You never say no to granny

I can bet I am not the only one to get back on track so here are some tips to get out of that post-vacation depression, start loosing that gained weight and get back in shape.
*Set a reachable goal
The best motivator is setting a clear and obtainable goal. Like loosing 2kg (gained in summer vacations) till winter holiday. (One of my goals too – get in shape for next holiday! so let’s do this together! )
It can also be a goal to get able to run 5km marathon and participate in The Color Run (the worlds funnest and colorful 5km ). I just participated again on 3rd September here in Milan! (Loads of colorful fun)!

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Fit food & Drinks

When you get tired of a (forced by doctor) diet it’s time to get crafty to find a compromise of swapping the traditional morning eggs and Wasa bread for something sweeter – like overnight oats.

Been more than a month that I am allowed just to stick to some selected things and boy I miss my overnight oats and morning oats and some granola and some pancakes with home made fresh strawberry jam..mmm, and some orange juice and fruits…mmm fruits – I miss fruits. sweet temptations. BUT, sticking to my diet and being good, but yesterday had enough and said will try to find a compromise and make my overnight oats this time giving some twist to them – adding some soy milk and chia seeds.

Result was absolutely nice, (super sweet as been skipping everything sweet for so long time that even soy milk was 10 x sweeter than usual) but truly delicious. No official picture, as was too early to get all snappy and everything, but the result is the same as in pictures – good look and yummy.

Here is my ingredients for you to try yourself. Read More

Inspiration, Workout

Still 3 weeks to go till vacation but before that, there is a little thing called “my wedding” that has eaten up all of my time. To Stay sane I am concentrating to gym and getting my mind in peace by sweating it out and get my thoughts gathered. I must say – works every time and also helps to build that summer body (and also let you to eat a little bit more than you should..obviously at your wedding and vacation, because now it is not the right time to give in to all temptations and cravings.

So today I decided that  I need some visual inspiration for that summer body and gym motivation as it is a workout Wednesday.

Also I have been struggling hard to get back on track this summer with all the crazy traveling and intoxication and stress that have to catch up with my progress so started incorporating more often supersets in my workout in order to burn some more calories and work on that muscle building. additionally rolling to work with my bicycle as an extra calory burner- must say been working nicely.

Me with Mr.Holland and my dog friend

Me with Mr.Holland and my dog friend

I burn 220 kcal to go to work with bike and 220 to come back. I see only benefits on this: No pushing in a crowded public transport, no pollution, fast as wind, independent and shredding while having fun. try yourself.

So here comes my inspiration that might help you too. Read More

Travel, Workout

” Surfing is a physically demanding sport. You need to be strong, flexible and have excellent endurance. The fitter you are, the longer you’ll be able to surf for. The faster you can paddle, the more waves you’ll get”. This quote by Surfingsite truly sums up the necessity of being in a good physical shape to try out your first surfing experience.

And I can definitely second this statement for being in a pretty good physical shape myself, but still here are some of my suggestions what helped me to get the best out of my first surfing lesson in Portugal last week. Read More


To become better than the person you were yesterday you should constantly learn, practice and improve. The same is for the workout – in order to get better results you should constantly improve your technique, increase weight and practice. To keep things interesting you should always switch between routines and incorporate some new exercises and challenges in your workout plan.

This is practice that I have been always following to keep things interested and body constantly wondering in order to improve. The things I like to do is to throw to myself a challenge –  like trying out some new workout routine by some trainer, like Victoria’s Secret Angel trainer Dan.
This time I tried out Nike Master trainer’s Sonja Moses workout routine and I must say it was not as easy as I was imagining it. Definitely felt the burn next day and sour muscles ( especially butt) so it means just one thing / definitely working! So try it out for yourself if don’t believe me!
Nike Master trainer-s Sonja Moses workout routine:

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Inspiration, Me & My Beau

Reasons getting in shape and improving your overall well-being and looks varies from person to person. As for me – I have truly crystallized my reasons and turned them into goals with a milestones to reach my objectives. 

Must say it is a lot easier when you have a clear aim and have deadlines marked along the way. If you are like me, who needs to visualize the result in order to make a proper plan how to achieve it – it might help you my visual plan to get in the shape for this August. Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester