

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

On Motivational Monday it should be all about motivation and inspiration to get you going so let’s not make any exceptions and will share you my motivation on the week.

So the bad news is that after 6 months fighting to get rid of the results of my summer intoxication in Portugal ( which despite on unfortunate events did not ruin that wonderful road trip). turns out that I have a partly conclusion – I won a gastritis! (yeah, how you get that in your twenties, you will ask? Well intoxication and stress, my friend. Stress is the root of the evil. Telling you!). 

Needless to say that have been quite down because of this – uncertainty, pain, discomfort, medicine, gym&workout skipping due to that, which has lead to a weight gain and slight obsession of losing the weight, work traveling and mental exhaustion of all work overload. So let’s say this fall hasn’t been the most relaxing, BUT finally I am one step closer resolving the issues – first, I have diagnosis and second part of exam results will come in 2 weeks.  Honestly I am quite glad of this diagnoses because I finally know what it really is and I can start fixing it.

Next is getting back in shape Read More

Repeatedly, psychology tests have proven that telling someone your goal makes it less likely to happen.

-   Derek Sivers   -

Keep your goals to yourself - the road might be lonely one but definitely worth it | www.missathletique.com

Keep your goals to yourself – the road might be lonely one but definitely worth it

Have you ever failed reaching your goal? if so – have you thought why it has happened? Well I have and I tell you people that this is definitely linked with our inner goal-getter. As soon as you announce your goal to the world or even to some closest people seems that happens everything (even impossible) to get in your way to prevent you from reaching it.  So what you (me) do? you give up. Of course it deludes us and kills our self esteem every time you don’t reach it and makes harder and harder to get motivated again and set once more a new goal.


I have really high self motivation and drive and it’s hard to stop me (that’s when all the impossible things happen).  Now and then wake up with my goals scattered and being nowhere near them. Of course it’s frustrating because you have 2 options – give up or start again. I always (after some wining and thinking the world is against me) go for second option.


This morning I read an article about goals in Virgin and it got me! Indeed! When you say your goals/dreams to someone they are less likely to come true! It makes complete sense now because every time I publicly (also here) announce something – it is probable to not happen.  This article really made me realise this.

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Autumn is here and as the days got shorter seems that also motivation is starting to becoming more and more absent from our everyday lives. As for me I think I have mastered the way to turn each excuse or objective into a motivation to keep on going.

As been facing them all than I am pretty confident that know answers and how to trick the body get over the obstacle and stay focused and keep striving for progress.

Here are my autumn fitness and clean eating obstacles and how to get over them:

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Summer has come to an end (even if doesn’t feel like that in +31C here in Milan already for weeks )and it means just one thing – it is time to get back to everyday routines and it is time to set some new workout and  fitness schedule, make some new goals, aims and challenges! ( not only inside but also the gym!). As it’s easier said than done than some healpful tips are always welcome! ( I am glad to share mine)!

After a long vacation in South of Italy and getting married! ( Dont’ worry will share  some pictures soon!)I will have to catch up with quite a lot of things, especially at fitness and healthy lifestyle level because the one who said that planning your own wedding will make you lose weight was definitely wrong ( my case at least!) and also visiting family in South of Italy where saying “no, grazie!” is not acceptable at the table when granny offers you another slice of home-made parmigiana or lasagna ( also you do not want ot say no to this treat).
don't say no to granny

You never say no to granny

I can bet I am not the only one to get back on track so here are some tips to get out of that post-vacation depression, start loosing that gained weight and get back in shape.
*Set a reachable goal
The best motivator is setting a clear and obtainable goal. Like loosing 2kg (gained in summer vacations) till winter holiday. (One of my goals too – get in shape for next holiday! so let’s do this together! )
It can also be a goal to get able to run 5km marathon and participate in The Color Run (the worlds funnest and colorful 5km ). I just participated again on 3rd September here in Milan! (Loads of colorful fun)!

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Signing up for an adventure is easier to say than actually do it. Especially when you are burying yourself in works, studies, and just every day routine and when the weekend comes you just want to stay in and sleep.

lazy weekend in bed

Lazy weekend

Of course sometimes it is just an absolute necessary to have one lazy weekend when you lock yourself in a house and just get some deserved rest and sleep and time for yourself to recharge batteries Read More


We all know that motivation is a key to achieve any aim or target, but sometimes one – is simple just not enough. As for me – I have several that keeps on getting updated or changed constantly. 

So if lacking some workout motivation – maybe you should ask yourself – why you should do it and with an answers you come up – just put a reasonable timing for the aim and divide in milestones. Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

I believe that the last years the pace of life has definitely picked up leaving less and less time for our friends, family and especially for ourselves. This hectic lifestyle, when you try to manage everything: stay on diet, lose weight, increase muscles, sleep, travel, meet friends, relax, read a book (gosh, don’t remember last time when started and actually finished the whole book less than in 6 months), build your career and invest in your future, etc. Everything is sooo much that you just cannot manage everything or just living on the run and have to say “no” to things just to manage to get through the day.

For me it has been especially hard last month as been traveling every week, working not human hours and have no time free for nothing and no one, not even myself to stick to my diet and workout program I started as my new year’s resolution. And men it is so frustrating as I supposed to be arrived at a point I could show off my progress, but no, instead I am lacking sleep, taking 7am flights every week and working till midnight + skipping gym. To sum up – no good progress so far that makes me completely frustrated and upset and sad, however this feeling are not going to change nor improve the current situation so just need to make a choice how I wish to proceed: feel sorry for myself and drop everything or just pick it up and keep going!?(..what it will be, giiiirl? ) Read More

'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.'

-   Bill Kean   -

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation

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Another Monday starts with a weight-in! Already 3rd since started the 12 week challenge! This time – a positive one! And for a good news to start the day :  minus another 500g and everything goes like a plan! So far, so good! My strict training schedule has been obeyed pretty well and start getting used to it and therefore also first results. Since the start – minus 1kg. Woot! woot.

So my Monday is pretty self motivated with the first results achieved. Now just need to keep on going, focus on goals and get rid slowly from some bad habits – like my espresso with milk and incorporate some more different greens for a variety of my diet.

Loving the below plate – looks fun and delicious. Wouldn’t mind to receive dish like this in some raw bar/ restaurant. 

Eat your greens

Eat your greens!

The next thing to stick to the list is to keep self motivated and look ahead – so today: shoulders and back and no excuses! + adding some inspiration picture of the day to keep going!

Fit girl and picture credit by Fitcat.pt

Fit girl and picture credit by Fitcat.pt

Actually this is my complete girl-crash and working to have the same results as this Portuguese beauty to show off myself this June in Portugal beaches.

YES, this is happening, another reason to work harder to reach my 2.0 beach body as me and my girls are hitting beaches this summer in Portugal! So excited and can’t wait to go. 

will keep you posted and updated and of course reach out for ideas and suggestions what to do, see and visit during my Portugal road trip!


What is your Monday inspiration? 


One week around of my challenge of my intensive training program and the feelings are exactly as they were on Friday – sore! Really, truly, sore. Just this time adding sore legs and booty (gosh, I have been missing out on training and now my body is making me suffer for that), topping to already feeling in pain I am also feeling destroyed, sleepy and honestly pretty deluded as this morning weight-in did not see any change on my weights.

However I said to myself: you can be sorry for yourself or you can do something about it to change it and learn the lesson out of it. And this is what I did!

So I was wondering what are the points that makes achievable any challenge, whatever it is and I came up with a list how to achieve the goals. Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester