
Fit food & Drinks
 As Sunday is my only free day of the week I try to do the things that makes me happy, like experimenting with healthy food recipes and travel. where I went this Sunday will write about in my next post:) but now will share my awesome, new healthy snack recipe: Coconut Berry Whieties.( Actually whities is not a real word, but if there is a brownie, why there cannot be a whitie ?
Fit food & Drinks
Remember the No-Junk-Food Challenge?
well, I am sticking to it! so in order to substitute a delicious cone of gelato (which is pretty difficult to do while living in Italy – the paradise of gelato. and what makes matters worse – its been really hot. so resisting some ice cold, sweet temptation is even harder..)
So to stick to my initial challenge I found this awesome snack recipe of grapes and Greek yogurt.

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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester