Packing bags and making lists – Palermo, I am coming!

Packing bags and making lists – Palermo, I am coming!

Another weekend is over but still loads of things left to plan and prepare ahead as next week will be real busy. The Exitment is real – this weekend I am oficially opening beach season as I am heading to – PALERMO! Been looking for opening my summer with something new and exciting adventures and discoveries and I believe that Sicily is exactly what I need to give the right tune for it.

To give you a taste of my mood and hype I am having right now – listen to the song by Mark Ronson – Feel Right and it will take you there.

This acient Mediterranean capital – “città delle delizie” the city of delights (from Italian) is  more than 2700 years old where is living harmoniously Arabic domes, Baroque style churches, Art Nouveau buildings, eighteenth-century green spaces and bustling traditional markets similar to the Arab souk. All this and many other things I have already read, noted and found out about this wonderful city today as I dedicated it soley to a reserch and preparation for my short trip next week and. Also I have made a check list what to see, do and try while being there to create some wonderful memories.

I am pretty excited for several reasons: it will be my first time to Sicily and I always wanted to see it for myself but couldn’t manage to organize it, secondly my boyfriend is going to have a birthday next Sunday and as already a good tradition in his birthday we are making a nice, long weekend getaway (last year I made a surprise and “stole” him and brought to Paris for his 30th birthday surprise celebration. (My tips and experience can see in my Paris review here). And lastely my excitment of planning trips, new things and experiences always lifts my spirits so can’t wait to be there and cross out things from my  Palermo to-do-see-try list and hopefully add some couple or two things I cannot even imagine while being here.

This is my list in a brief:

Explore the acient city

Photo credit by

Photo credit by

and experience it like a local.

Image from Butch Osborne on Flickr

Image from Butch Osborne on Flickr

Try new tastes, like Babbaluci – snails from a street food vendors. Never tried snails, let’s call them escargot as it sounds more appetizing, but I am keen to do it as they are a great source of protein and low on fats and rich with vitamins. Challenge accepted.

Babalucci - foto credit Yola Guide Palermo

Babbaluci – foto credit Yola Guide Palermo

Of course as Sicily is well know for their food than will be trying several things to experience the city propoerly therefore doign a sporty activities is a must. One of them – swimming (fingers crossed for a good weather) and plannign to hit Mondello beach and get some water fun! (By the way – swimming is a wonderful way to burn off calories, so win-win).

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Photo credit –

Doesn’t it look wonderful? I can’t even believe it that this place exists here in Italy and I still ahven’t been there!

And of course live and enjoy the life and find some great outdoor activities to do. As Trip Advisor suggests and all the great references from fellow travellers that you should definitely try Paraglading in tandem so will try to squeeze in also than in my weekend getaway.

Paragliding in Tandem

Paragliding in Tandem offered by Parapendio in tandem

Oh gosh that looks scary and thrilling at the same time! Can only imagine how wonderful the view is from above, so these days will try to orgaize that to squeeze in my getaway even though the time is pretty tight to have it all..

Last but not least planning to stay active, keep moving, find new ways to explore the city my way and share my pictures, impressions and feelings afterwards with you guys!

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Photo credit


Have you been in Sicily? How was your experience? Any reccomendations?



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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester