
Me & My Beau

Oh, hello sunny Monday! Another weekend over and another work week is ahead of us with new aims, goals and plans, like, for example, getting rid of the toxins! we all, of course, have heard about toxins (A  poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms that can be small molecules, peptides, or proteins that are capable of causing disease on contact with or absorption by body tissues interacting with biological macromolecules. Ref. Wikipedia). In other words toxins can badly affect your immune system  which are taken by environment and mostly by the food we eat causing diseases, allergies, sickness and for sever cases even death. 

There is no really a good way to avoid taking toxins by environment or pollution or people around you, but there is definitely a way to avoid them coming to your plate.

Here are tips for food shopping and label reading to avoid food contamination:  Read More


People who knows me would call me a gym bunny and healthy lifestyle lover and I guess that’s true (guess trying to write a fitness dedicated blog makes this statement legit) and guess that’s why the reason sometimes girls reach out with some workout advice or their fitness updates they wish to share with me. (Which I love, BTW. I am always happy to help. Let’s call this my mission – help people to create the best version of themselves and help as much as I can from my best knowledge – so feel free drop me a line).

Couple of days ago a friend of mine shared her idea to try 30 day squat challenge..and I couldn’t help but frown hearing it. Sure I was glad to hear that she wishes to have a fitness challenge and improve her physical aspect but this was just not the right medicine to work miracles as many people believes. And it’s not their fault, it’s media, fake profiles promoting results after their 30 day challenges, before and after pictures, that are actually found on internet and “borrowed” from real people or just plainly photoshopped. All these things gives us impression that after a 30 day challenge, not only squat challenge, we will have this amazing body: lifted and round booty, perfect beach body or super toned arms. 

Of course it’s wonderful to believe and trust me – I have been there, believing that a challenges and a short term workouts found on women’s magazines would give me my dream body, but unfortunately been deluded way too many times, as I believe, rest of us, when thinking about the result and being inspired from a star/unreal people social media profiles and magazines. The thing that makes us all believe that it can be done is comparison with others. Stop doing it! It will take you nowhere!

But don’t get me wrong – I love challenges! They inspires me. Like trying out some model fitness training program, like did with Dan Roberts (trainer for Victoria’s Secret Angels) training schedule. Or the Blogilates challenge – Journey to splits.  But despite truly admire the girl and were performing religiously my stretches every day I did not manage to have my complete split just because I started from proper newbie/beginner level and expected to arrive where others would after years and years of training and practice. (If don’t believe me – check my experience and photo check-in). Just saying that you should never compare someones middle to your beginner and underestimate the work behind it.

no comparisons |

No comparisons

Consider the fact that this 30 day challenge has to be tailored to everyone according to their genetics, physical level and lifestyle.

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It’s been 6 weeks of having a steady workout program and it’s time to switch up routines to keep the body challenged and keep on continuing with fitness progress. As today is my HIIT day than sharing my new training program that going to try on tonight so if feel to switch up things – give a try to this circuit. I guarantee that you will shred extra fat and torch extra calories performing this.

Pstt, it can be done also at home. Read More


I believe Leg day is one of the most made fun (right after burpees) of and most created hate-memes on internet, however it is love-hate relationship ( guilty as charged), we say we hate them but we love the benefits of it. Let’s be honest – who doesn’t like a round, lifted and shaped booty and lean legs?  (and if you say: me! you are probably lying to yourself!)

I know Leg day can be scary as it involves moving to the scary part of the gym – the free weights and machines zone, that usually are full just with the guys and it gets pretty intimidating when a girl gets there. I know, because I have been there, not knowing what I am doing, what others are thinking of me and risking to be ridiculous. However after a while, when you get the right mindset and preparation it gets better.

The preparation is everything to use the heavy weights in a gym: the correct mindset, inspiring workout playlist (+ I-am-not-here-to-talk face) and a training schedule or exercise plan.

They say the good preparation is a half victory of the battle and I couldn’t agree more. I always have my workout playlist ready and a exercise plan with me to stay focused and give the 100% of myself of the training. 

I have already wrote about Leg Day exercises and even made a video to show how to. (Check it here).

As we know the workout routines should be switched periodically to constantly challenge your body and improve it than here is some new leg day workout schedule to try out. 

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Being in my 4th week of training and diet schedule I have started incorporating additional tools, exercises and variations to keep constantly my body challenged and pushing the limits. This week I started adding jumping rope to my exercises to get that heart ticking and that fat shredding. 

As usually Saturdays I have cardio and when the weather allows I am having my Muay Thai lessons outside. And as with every fighting and combat/ cardio workouts is a perfect addition to add jumping rope to it, just like Rocky does. Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau, Workout

I am not the lady who dress up to be noticed at gym. I am the lady who does not like to be noticed at gym, even more- does not liek to be disturbed when working out. I am a lady who do not wear any make up when working out, as I know it is not good for my skin and would be ruined anyway by the sweat, but I do like my outfit to represent my personality and mood and gives me confort depending on the activity or training I am going to perform. The same thing is for my hairdos – I do not keep loose my hair at gym as they are too long and would just make me nervose and also would bother me while lifting or running. Therefore depending on the training and workout schedule I always take care of my hair and keep them neat and organized to mess around (and not to get it on my way).  

So today will tell you about my favorite hairdos for gym.


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If you have ever performed plank you know how hard it it so manage to resist more than a minute without collapsing on the floor and your whole body trembling and shaking to resist. Even if you consider yourself a great athlete and fit it is never easy to hold it so many people just skip it and does other exercises instead, but let me tell you – that’s just wrong. You shouldn’t skip on what’s hard, especially when there is so many great benefits of this complex core exercise. 

You shouldn’t skip on what’s hard, especially when there is so many great benefits of this complex, core exercise. 

It’s perfect for building deeper abs and overall core strength , if done properly. 

It is also one of my least favorite exercises, but I do include it in my training routine and to make it more challenging I try to mix it up with supersets or setting new personal records every week, by increasing resistance or time. 

I usually go mixing up Regular plank (for 45sec to 1 min) and mountain climbers (I usually go for 10-12 per side) in plank position as a superset. It sets your abs on fire, trust me). 

Spiderman planks exercise

Spiderman planks photo credit by

If planking Spidermans are too difficult just try with an straight arms the same exercise or decrease reps. Read More


It’s been third day of my new hard-core, 12 week fitness, exercise and dieting plan. And I must say I am sore as sore can be, but good kind of sore as I a know it is working and can’t wait to see first results. 

One of the things I incorporated in my Workout plan, after each streght training is a 4 minute Tabata*-inspired circuit. 

*Tabata interval protocol is a high-intensity interval training that consists of 20 seconds of intense exercise and 10 seconds of rest. Tabata has been created originally by Japanese reseracher Dr. Izumi Tabata

This circuit works very well to finish up your training routine at gym. it takes only 4 minutes and best working if performed 3 times per week, as it takes only 4 minutes and requires only body weight than can be performed e en when all cardio machines are occupied at gym. Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

Starting new year with a bang and a plan is something I have done and I believe  – you should too! Why, you will ask me, well the thing about the BANG is that it is loud, it is clear and it cannot be mistaken nor ignored! Even better – it will be noticed and remembered! Whatever it is you plan to achieve this year – do it, announce it with a BANG! Not because you should show off! no! No! But to step on the Start line and have a no way back, no backing out but just to do it! 

My Bang is starting a hard core, no-excuse workout and diet plan like I never did before in my life without giving up, no stopping or stepping down and no hold backs no matter how tough the life will become !

I am determined to make this the fittest year ever!

Starting my 12 week diet/workout challenge to lose body fat, keep a track (see the workout schedule and template – HERE). and tone the muscles to be in a perfect shape for Fitness fair in spring and who knows, maybe even manage to enroll as a Bikini Model – (or fake it by having a bikini model photo session – again! terrified).

Rosa Leona, INBA Angel 2015, Season A. Photo credit – Whentezshredz.


Would be wonderful to earn my wings.. the bikini Model wings in my case not the Victoria’s Secret wings (even though wouldn’t mind that either 🙂 ).

Victoria's Secret Angel - Candice

Victoria’s Secret Angel – Candice

So, there, said it – that’s my BANG! The Bikini contest participation! (Terrified even writing this down, BUT, time is tight and there is no better motivator than a time pressure and a public announcement! (As I stick with my guns and stand behind my words! ) So hold on world, I am on my way to make the best out of it and push me over the limits! 

Make yourself proud

Make yourself proud – exactly what I plan to do!

So stay tuned, will keep you posted how my journey will go.

Starting stats: 4,1Kg to lose and 84 days to go. Week 1. Day 1.


WHAT’S YOUR “BANG”? What you wish to reach this year?

Inspiration, Me & My Beau, Workout
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker

Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker

New year, new you! This is my New year’s motto, resolution and objective! Been the craziest end of the year so far and not entirely in the fittest and healthiest way to be completely honest with you.. However 2016 has arrived and it gives you another chance to start over or take it where you last left off. For me it is with the fitness objectives, that I wish to take up where I left it more than a month ago. 

I could tell you everything that happened and add some excuse on the top but the truth is – there is not point of that, as it will not really change the situation. Did I work out last 3 weeks? Honestly ? No. But do I feel bad about it? Definitely yes! (Of course 1 week I was sick as a monkey and did not get out of the bed with a bad fever, but that’s gone as well), 2 weeks I am here in Calabria at my boyfriend’s family over holiday and no working out as well as A – everything is closed, B – it’s not really the right place and time to do it when you are visiting family and C – I lacked of motivation as where so tired, exhausted and just needed a rest to regain strengths,will and inspiration.. and you know what? It worked out splendidly!

I am inspired, motivated and fully recharged to get the shape of the life! 

So this is what I have been up to last couple of days – I designed my own workout calendar – tracking board to keep my progress.

 I know that I do better if I track my progress and put it in a visual place like on the wall or fridge doors together with some inspirational pictures.  Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester