Have you ever seen those girls in pictures posing on their hands or standing on on 1 feet or on head and look amazing and give a fun, fresh and new way of posing for pictures? Well I have and since than one of my fitness objectives has been to learn a handstand so I can give an artistic, acrobatic and fun twist to my pictures too. Already put this on my visual board and to-do list for 2015 (which you can check here) so there is no backing out – just have to do it.
The first thing I did to get closer to my objective was an information search – how to do it and what’s the fundamentals of learning a handstand. As turns out: it’s a strong core (that’s why yogis can master it as the basics of yoga is a strong core and strength building) of course you need some strong abs, solders and arms as well to be able to do hold yourself. (some great tips I learned from Strength Project Youtube video.)
Second thing in my to-do list was starting to focus on my core and back exercises more to increase the strength. (Some good core exercises are plank, that focuses on core and for upper body: push ups, pull ups and several back exercises are handy to help you get there if not a yoga follower.
And lastly – practice, practice and some more practice. Home using walls or asking boyfriend to give a hand, so slowly slowly was getting there. Must say that it’s pretty strange and scary feeling when you are doing it for first time – because you are not sure that you can hold yourself and are just afraid to land on your face and smash your nose, but once the fear, after trying couple of times, you can really try to focus on getting better and learning to do it properly. Of course I have a long way to go BUT I decided to show off of my progress and practice some more at the beach of Mondello (Sicily, Italy. My adventure you can read here).
Here we go. ENJOY!
Does it look fun? It was! Had great time plus practicing at beach is always easier – as falling in sands would give you a softer landing. Still loads to learn and get better, but seeing some progress so determined to become a pro.
Next step is to master it alone and the ultimate goal is to pose like a pro and snap some seriously cool pictures, something like these babes.

beach handstand by Cody blog where they teach handstand
Do you know how to do a handstand? How did you learn it? Have any cool picture to share? would love to see other people progress.
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