
  • A glimpse of amazing and kawaii Tokyo
  • A glimpse of amazing and kawaii Tokyo
  • A glimpse of amazing and kawaii Tokyo
  • A glimpse of amazing and kawaii Tokyo
  • A glimpse of amazing and kawaii Tokyo
  • A glimpse of amazing and kawaii Tokyo

A glimpse of amazing and kawaii Tokyo

Even a huge metropolitan city like Tokyo kawaii*  (meaning “cute or lovable” ) is on every corner, style and attitude and it just keeps on impressing and baffling you how such a modern, hi-tech and serious city can have so many sweet expressions everywhere. 

Last year was my first time I visited Tokyo and got a small taste of and a general feeling of it. This time returning in this far, far away country drew my attention to details, feelings and contrasts. Of course as it was a work trip than did not have time to be a tourist nor take my usually quantity of pictures so this will be glimpse of Tokyo on-the-go with a kawaii twist. Read More

Fit food & Drinks
  • Survival guide how to eat healthy in Japan
  • Survival guide how to eat healthy in Japan
  • Survival guide how to eat healthy in Japan
  • Survival guide how to eat healthy in Japan
  • Survival guide how to eat healthy in Japan

Survival guide how to eat healthy in Japan

We all know how hard it is to stick to the diet when we are traveling, especially when you are on a tough schedule and in a foreign country, not even mentioning far away continent where we have no idea of the local eating habits nor knowledge of the language on the food packaging in shops to make the best .

My Japan trip was quite a challenge dieting wise as always had to carefully choose what to eat. Luckily for me Japanese are really conscious of what they are eating in traditional restaurants offering small portions and different food bites – selection of first courses, perfectly pairing protein and carbs. Like fish and rice for lunch and proteins (fish) for dinner accompanied with some sea weeds and small portions of salad. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Have you ever struggled to stick to your diet while traveling? If answer is NO than either you have superpowers or you are lying to yourself. I will be honest, it has been always my biggest fight with myself – to keep my diet, follow my strict eating regime and timings and stick to foods that I have to eat, especially when I have to travel for more than 2 days for work. It has been like that lately and it has been extra hard to me especially because for 10 days I had to eat only liquid or truly soft foods so had to adopt my diet to it.

Awful, difficult and so frustrating are the words that describes my last weeks diet and lifestyle. I am quite disappointed with myself and current condition that couldn’t follow nor control easily what I am eating, loads of foods I could eat was full of sugar and salt, the timings were shifted because I have been traveling and sitting in meetings from morning to night, following company dinner afterwards that messes up everything and on top of that – lack of exercise as were not allowed to and when I could was not able to add a training in my agenda (apart the morning workout in my hotel in Stockholm) as my days started already at 6am and finished 11pm. Needless to say that were exhausted to add a 1h of a workout. The result is disappointing – gained weight (2 kg) and loss of muscles (which is worse than gaining weight).

Despite falling out of my regular diet, I was glad to be in Sweden as this Nordic country offers great healthy options everywhere and are really cautious on what people are eating as it must be fit, healthy and “clean”.  Nordic food companies are promoting the healthy food options and foods heavily they are even putting calories also on top of their packaging just to show how healthy they are, invests in fit smoothies and high protein drinks and foods so staying fit in these countries are easy-peasy!  Read More

  • A day at Garda lake or Sirmione in pictures
  • A day at Garda lake or Sirmione in pictures
  • A day at Garda lake or Sirmione in pictures
  • A day at Garda lake or Sirmione in pictures
  • A day at Garda lake or Sirmione in pictures

A day at Garda lake or Sirmione in pictures

Usually Sundays are the days when I am writing about my travels but as yesterday was traveling than decided to make an exception of the rule and share my weekend’s getaway to a lovely, stone age dated city – Sirmione today. This small town is located and North of Italy and is located on the southern shores of lake Garda and are famous with its Grottoes of Catullus (Grotte di Catullo), the most striking example of a Roman private edifice discovered in northern Italty also it is famous for it’s thermal springs, but that I am planning to explore next time as this story is about exploring Sirmione on foot and catching first impressions. Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau
  • Busy as a bee August visual board
  • Busy as a bee August visual board
  • Busy as a bee August visual board
  • Busy as a bee August visual board

Busy as a bee August visual board

It’s another Monday, but unlike other Milan Monday’s this one started with a heavy thunderstorms that cooled down the hot streets of the city. Much needed especially during this hot summer. I believe this is all time hottest summer I have ever had and not only because of the heat but also because it’s been so fast, so full, so vivid that days are just flying by. Sometimes I wish I could have 30 hours a day and 8 days a week (which there would be one more extra day at weekend to manage to do everything I have in my mind, but unfortunately or luckily it is not like that so all left to do is to prioritize and do my best to manage everything.) However we are yet in first half of the moment and there are still time to manage to do, see and experience things and add some nice memories to Summer 2015 list.

My second part of August seems pretty tough as well, because will be travelling every week starting this week till October, so all the writing, dieting, working out and blogging will be from the road. BUT determined to manage all and even make improvements because I know I can and will. So here comes my monthly visual board based on talented illustrator Kerrie Hess monthly calendar. (without that planning would be much more difficult).  Read More

  • A day getaway to Coast of the Dolphins – Santa Margherita Ligure
  • A day getaway to Coast of the Dolphins – Santa Margherita Ligure
  • A day getaway to Coast of the Dolphins – Santa Margherita Ligure
  • A day getaway to Coast of the Dolphins – Santa Margherita Ligure
  • A day getaway to Coast of the Dolphins – Santa Margherita Ligure
  • A day getaway to Coast of the Dolphins – Santa Margherita Ligure

A day getaway to Coast of the Dolphins – Santa Margherita Ligure

Have you ever had a feeling just that you are having overwhelmed by everything that you just feel like running away even if for a day, to relax and just get out of the city and change the air? Well I had this feeling and I knew I have to get away and these times the first destination that pops in m head is – beach! Because for me nothing is better than running away to a place where sand is under your feet and salt in your hair.. and as I have an explorer spirit who loves to try new things, see new places and have different experiences than chose to go to some Ligurian beach near Genoa.

Santa Margherita actually was visited by an accident as it was suggested by a kind man on the street when asked for directions to the beach at Rapallo. The place is really beautiful and definitely one of the pearls of Liguria. (Some more information about the city, attractions ,sport activities, accommodation, etc. can find in their tourism homepage).

But here are my day at Coast of Dolphins in pictures. Read More

Fit food & Drinks, Travel
  • Travel: Exploring Sicily – Mondello beach
  • Travel: Exploring Sicily – Mondello beach
  • Travel: Exploring Sicily – Mondello beach
  • Travel: Exploring Sicily – Mondello beach
  • Travel: Exploring Sicily – Mondello beach

Travel: Exploring Sicily – Mondello beach

Happy midsummer everyone! Today is Sunday, midsummer and also my name day therefore triple reason to make this day special. (Already started with some fit pancakes and homemade frozen yogurt (recipe soon will follow) ice cream). Also Sunday is about traveling and sharing my stories and tips and today is not an exception – I will share my second part of my Sicily getaway – exploring Palermo beach – Mondello.

Mondello is a beach for people in Palermo that can be reached in 20 min from Palermo with car or  25 min with a public bus nr. 806 from Palermo – stop Piazza Don Sturzo. (Time table you can find on AMAT homepage and ticket costs 1,4 eur (absolutely mandatory), the bus goes every 15 minutes, so no really need to rush.)

As our main objective of this short weekend break was to hit the beach and get some tan than that was exactly we did our second morning right after waking up.  Read More


Have you ever seen those girls in pictures posing on their hands or standing on on 1 feet or on head and look amazing and give a fun, fresh and new way of posing for pictures? Well I have and since than one of my fitness objectives has been to learn a handstand so I  can give an artistic, acrobatic and fun twist to my pictures too. Already put this on my visual board and to-do list for 2015 (which you can check here) so there is no backing out – just have to do it.

The first thing I did to get closer to my objective was Read More

  • Travel: Things you must try, see and do in your first trip to Palermo (Sicily)
  • Travel: Things you must try, see and do in your first trip to Palermo (Sicily)
  • Travel: Things you must try, see and do in your first trip to Palermo (Sicily)
  • Travel: Things you must try, see and do in your first trip to Palermo (Sicily)
  • Travel: Things you must try, see and do in your first trip to Palermo (Sicily)
  • Travel: Things you must try, see and do in your first trip to Palermo (Sicily)

Travel: Things you must try, see and do in your first trip to Palermo (Sicily)

Palermo bedda which in Sicilian means beautiful Palermo and I completely agree – it was not only beautiful but also enchanting and so wonderful experience that brings you back in centuries and let’s you grasp a piece of history and life back than. People seems be appreciating every moment of the life, always smiling and so friendly wherever you go.  Maybe one of the main reasons for this happiness and goodness is the finger-lickin’ good food because we all know that full stomach makes happy heart.

This was my first time in Sicily and I must say I fulfill almost all the things from my Palermo wish list I prepared upon leaving.

The first thing we did, after we arrived and settled down Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

This magic weekend is about to finish as well as my Sicilian adventure as today is officially last day in Palermo before heading back to Milan. I must say that some great things has been learned, some Sicilian secrets reviled and some tan and loads of sunshine and positive energy taken that will give me strength and motivation till my next month! (Details and pictures of will follow up on Travel Sunday post).

Today, as it’s beginning of a new month, I am sharing my monthly visual board to set the tune and objectives for the June  that I will go after.

The first and the main goal of the month is progress. No matter how big it is – important is the progress and moving forward! Yes, these 2 days, let’s be honest, was not all about working out every day,  but rather – “let’s try this local dish” or “ this dessert looks heavenly – I must try it!” so I need to get back on my clean eating and training schedule, but sometimes it is good just to give yourself a break and enjoy the life’s guilty pleasures (well as long as they are balanced).

Before leaving for Palermo I closed my 31 day challenge and I must say I did good Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester