

Fit food & Drinks

Foody- Friday is here and today and it means another weak is behind our backs and another weekend is ahead of us. Specially difficult for the ones who are on the tight diet, like I am. Resisting food temptations is not easy, but so rewarding. So swap those aperetivo fries for a salad or make your own  aperetivo/ social gathering at home and build your own, perfect and healthy salad and snack that would save up on your calories and pocket.

Here is how I build and shop for my week ahead for salads to make it colorful, interesting, nutritious and delicious.


I have already shared some of my recipes of salads and office lunch so can check them out for inspiration. But this time – how to make your own salad with a nice visual that speak for itself. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

It’s been 5 days in my no-cheating, no-excuse new workout and diet challenge of 84 days and I must say I feel great! Been following my training schedule and managed to stick to all of them as well as all meals and timings. 

Sure there is also a downside, that been hungry, like, hmmm, how to better put this – all the time?! And sore, oh gosh been feeling sore like crazy (and leg day is only tomorrow..). But determined to keep up with my schedule (which you can see  HERE and download also a template to start your own training). 

As for food – I am getting on the track with the meals as well and eating 5 times per day with moderation portion. 

Here is how my meals looks like: Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau, Workout
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker
  • Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker

Your own New Year’s fitness workout tracker

New year, new you! This is my New year’s motto, resolution and objective! Been the craziest end of the year so far and not entirely in the fittest and healthiest way to be completely honest with you.. However 2016 has arrived and it gives you another chance to start over or take it where you last left off. For me it is with the fitness objectives, that I wish to take up where I left it more than a month ago. 

I could tell you everything that happened and add some excuse on the top but the truth is – there is not point of that, as it will not really change the situation. Did I work out last 3 weeks? Honestly ? No. But do I feel bad about it? Definitely yes! (Of course 1 week I was sick as a monkey and did not get out of the bed with a bad fever, but that’s gone as well), 2 weeks I am here in Calabria at my boyfriend’s family over holiday and no working out as well as A – everything is closed, B – it’s not really the right place and time to do it when you are visiting family and C – I lacked of motivation as where so tired, exhausted and just needed a rest to regain strengths,will and inspiration.. and you know what? It worked out splendidly!

I am inspired, motivated and fully recharged to get the shape of the life! 

So this is what I have been up to last couple of days – I designed my own workout calendar – tracking board to keep my progress.

 I know that I do better if I track my progress and put it in a visual place like on the wall or fridge doors together with some inspirational pictures.  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

The foggy, rainy and cold winter time is the time when we really should put emphases on boosting our immune system. The best way to do it is through a good diet and the right nutrition by consuming the right amount of vitamins that are far more efficient to fight the flu and first signs of getting sick than expensive medicine and all compressed food supplements.

So here are chart of the immune boosting foods you should be eating now.

1. Mushrooms Read More

Fit food & Drinks, Inspiration
  • The best herbal teas for the winter time
  • The best herbal teas for the winter time
  • The best herbal teas for the winter time

The best herbal teas for the winter time

When the weather is getting chilly and the days are getting shorter and darker it is the best time to warm up your bod and soul with a good cup of a herbal tea. A good tea has not only beneficial to your health and will boost your immune system but also can help to digest and even lose weight. Therefore just win-win for an afternoon energy booster, weight loss or a long conversation with your friends. No wonder there is saying “Tea with the Queen”. (Even Queen loves it! and let’s be honest – who doesn’t if the tea is right?

Every time I go back to Latvia I am always returning with bag full of herbal teas. Either they are from a farmers market or some biological shop, but always at least 4 of them to enlarge my collection. (Already have like 40 different teas at home and perfect substitution for morning take-away coffee on my way to work).  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

We all now carrots, we have seen them and we have tried them but do you know also their story? Fun facts and their health benefits? Well I am proud to inform you that I know! (..well,now!) and I am ready to entertain and share my knowledge as well with you and top with some nice tips and recipes. So let’s go!

A little bit of history – the carrot originally comes from Central Europe and the first evidence on people using them in their meals are found already 2000 years ago. Their initial colors used to be dark red. 

The orange color carrots got only in 16. century when dutch crossed the red ones with yellow ones and came up with the nowadays popular orange color when they also started to grow them massively as before it was considered to be a delicatessen – aka deli food ).  

Ancient Egyptians used carrots to heal people as noticed they are helping the sick recover faster while ancient Greeks called them the love potion and believed that carrots can help you fall in love faster.  (Interesting why?  and what they did to test it? Just eat them in big quantities? Presented as gifts?)  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

On rainy and gloomy Fridays like these all we want to do is crawl up on a sofa under a blanket, cuddle and have something delicious to comfort our souls. Of course the usually option is some unhealthy sweets and rather often we reach out for an ice cream when we definitely shouldn’t.. (You know, diet and stuff?) So I have come up with the best alternative to sweets and healthy food combination that suits me just perfect: a NICE CREAM

It can be even vegan and gluten-free – the limit is the sky and master chef in you. As my boyfriend is lactose intolerant than this is wonderful option also to treat him with a (n)ice cream plus definitely fit version of it.

My weekends cheat-meal snack is Strawberry Nice Cream (vegan and lactose free and so fit so you won’t have a guilty pleasure, just pleasure). Below is recipe – also printable to try at home! Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

Monday is for challenges and new beginnings! it’s a perfect occasion to reset something or uptake a new thing, it’s like a second chance to start over that’s offered to you every single week. So today I am also throwing myself a new challenge to reset my caffeine effect or challenge myself to not use coffee for next two weeks.

The thing I decided to do it is just because I believe that coffee is not anymore doing the effect to me as it used to so I want to go back to the time when I never drank coffee (5 years ago), but living in Italy you just get used to a nice cup of a good espresso that you just cannot do it without. Moreover as for a athlete caffeine is an essential for a performance boosting before training and it should better have it’s effect properly so it is a time to resit it! Read More

Travel, Workout

In a days like these, when it’s raining cats and dogs all I want to do is to stay in and crawl up on a couch with a hot cup of good tea and read some good book. As I am not on holiday, but on a business trip in Tokyo with one hell of a full agenda than it is not possible. Therefore I have not left choice but to be super active, energized and loaded to manage to make the best out of my trip and overcome the jet lag and be efficient and productive and the best medicine for adopting to the new rhythm is a workout to get you going.

Tip number 1 – You should always check out your destinations fitness center/ gym possibilities in hotel or near distance”.

Luckily for me I am staying in this wonderful, luxury hotel at the heart of Shibuya – Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel. It offers a wonderful facilities and one of them is (quite) fully equipped fitness center, such as: Treadmills × 5, Exercise bikes × 6, Smith machine, weights, leg extension, and more, to ensure you a possibility to maintain your fitness level like a pro.  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Have you ever struggled to stick to your diet while traveling? If answer is NO than either you have superpowers or you are lying to yourself. I will be honest, it has been always my biggest fight with myself – to keep my diet, follow my strict eating regime and timings and stick to foods that I have to eat, especially when I have to travel for more than 2 days for work. It has been like that lately and it has been extra hard to me especially because for 10 days I had to eat only liquid or truly soft foods so had to adopt my diet to it.

Awful, difficult and so frustrating are the words that describes my last weeks diet and lifestyle. I am quite disappointed with myself and current condition that couldn’t follow nor control easily what I am eating, loads of foods I could eat was full of sugar and salt, the timings were shifted because I have been traveling and sitting in meetings from morning to night, following company dinner afterwards that messes up everything and on top of that – lack of exercise as were not allowed to and when I could was not able to add a training in my agenda (apart the morning workout in my hotel in Stockholm) as my days started already at 6am and finished 11pm. Needless to say that were exhausted to add a 1h of a workout. The result is disappointing – gained weight (2 kg) and loss of muscles (which is worse than gaining weight).

Despite falling out of my regular diet, I was glad to be in Sweden as this Nordic country offers great healthy options everywhere and are really cautious on what people are eating as it must be fit, healthy and “clean”.  Nordic food companies are promoting the healthy food options and foods heavily they are even putting calories also on top of their packaging just to show how healthy they are, invests in fit smoothies and high protein drinks and foods so staying fit in these countries are easy-peasy!  Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester