Dear April,
Be good and I promise the same!
This is my monthly inspiration and resolution for April! First month that is not planned any crazy work trips, so looking forward to do many things: catching up with gym and get back on track with progress (summer is coming, squeezing cheeks like Kevin from Home Alone).

Summer is coming!
That’s basically what I did yesterday (first day in gym)! All progress due to month of travelling and sickness has been ruined! Needless to say that did this face like for 5 minutes before managed to get myself together and get determined to fix this in April (so people don’t do this when see me at the beach this summer! hihihih )
So today feeling positive, determined and ready to change (my) world! so here comes also some piece of my energy and inspiration of the Monday ad resolution for the whole month!
Don’t recall this wonderful girls name, but her fitness changes truly inspired that why saved her photo for inspiration and ready to share this with you too.
and of course, no good motivation can do without sarcasm. well that’s just the cookie crumbles!
Than, of course, the must to do this April is to get back rollin’ with Mr.Holland – aka bicycle. Great cardio, green transportation and fun way of moving.
Already yesterday took it first day for a ride. 11km. 301kcal and some wind in the hair! Tomorrow will try to use to get to the work. wish me luck as have to make it 12km on the rush hour of Milan! Challenge awaits!
The next thing to do, as all years, find a poppy field and get loads of pictures! Mr.Holland is a perfect companion in crime for finding one.
AAAAAAAAND than of course as it is Monday – don’t forget to be awesome ( if reading this and another day – just swap the day and keep being awesome!)
oh, and to finish up – this month is Good vibes only! Spread them wherever you go!
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