Why your workout week shouldn’t start on Monday

Why your workout week shouldn’t start on Monday

For many of us work week starts on Monday and the same for a workout, a new workout program, a new diet, etc. Everything in the end starts on Mondays. Which is cool for many people and used by 99% I know, but getting older (5 days to go-O.M.G.) I have realized that I don’t want my workout week to start on Monday. It just doesn’t work for me.

Why I don’t want to start on Monday anymore? Because it’s too much to handle and sometimes too long to wait that meanwhile you just find some excuses to be lazy, eat bad or postpone starting all that good fitness and training objectives that really could make a difference, so when monday arrives you already start with a guilt of missed/not done exercises, skipped diet/clean eating and being overall lazy – to sum up – you start with minuses and probably you are also less motivated.

Also because when you start any new fitness journey or tracking of progress you should weigh-in..and Monday weigh-in is the worst thing ever. At least for me as it completely determines my mood of the day. It can make you truly happy or..not! mostly it’s not. So to avoid disappointments, excuses and delays this year my workout week starts on Saturday.

Saturday is actually a perfect day to start anything new for your fitness journey because: you weigh-in in a morning and if you do not like what you see you can just correct it by improving overall on weekend by eating cleaner or simply hitting the gym, therefore you stick to your goals and take (any) news of your weight changes much lighter. (Tested! proven! Approved!) 

Another good thing is that Saturday is most likely you can review your week better and determine, without any rush or pressure, your next week and how to improve or adjust it based on previous week’s results.


Last but not least not starting your workout and fitness week on Monday gives you well needed peace of mind and dividing any additional stress that work/uni might bring you on Monday. So let’s stick on a one thing at a time and not causing any unnecessary stress. 

As I did not find any planner I liked and needed one ASAP, so I just created for January quite simple one and started on Saturday to fill it out.

Fitness tracker by Miss Athlétique  |

January – fitness tracker

On 28th will be my 8 week Hiit program milestone+3rd weigh-in+my birthday! (excitement and a slight panic is rushing through my blood seeing that it is in 4 days.. BUT! I can do it! Everything)

And for February I set up this simple one where week starts on Saturday. (As always – swimming against the stream and doing it my way! )

February Fitness tracker by Miss Athlétique  |

2017 February fitness calendar

As for me – I use my stickers to make it faster.

Sticker sheet to track your progress|

Sticker sheet to track your progress

These Sticker sheet I created for my training schedule -as a visual person I prefer to have something like this instead of writing everything. Here is my training schedule as well as a free template for yours to use the stickers.

Next stop is to create even cuter and more advanced one! So stay tuned! Start your fitness week on Saturday and keep smiling!


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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester