Some people are looking forward holiday with a joy – some, like me, are having split feelings- from one had – can’t wait to relax, sleep and get some time off the every day busy life, from other hand looking forward with a doubt for the holiday that will come and ruining the progress achieved, clean eating and workout graphic. For me it is extra difficult to remain on track with clean eating and my timings as having a pretty full workday with my own rhythm and timing: for eating, sleeping and working out. Once comes holidays, especially a long ones and away from home, it is almost impossible to eat at 8am my oats, have second breakfast at 10:30 with a chicken, workout at 20:00 and hit the bead at 23:00.. So every time coming back from holidays are pretty traumatic as I need to get back to track and catch up to point where I left off therefore serves an extra motivation to not give up and get demotivated. Read More