
Fit food & Drinks

Last day, guys! Last day before heading for vacations so it means just one thing – happiness is in the air (along with the smog, humidity and incredible heated Milan air – yes, still melting feeling), but happiness is taking over everything else leaving secondary! My Friday morning started wonderful as had for breakfast a Hulk protein bread I made last night! and I must say – it turned out yummy so was waiting since last night to be able to try it!

As it is so good, than it is a must to share the recipe with you guys! Originally based to MissK_J6 recipe (check it out here this girl has wonderful clean recipes and ideas! ), but as I ran out of all kind of coconuts that’s needed in her recipe than just went improvising and turned out wonderful, healthy and low on calories!

Hulk Protein bread recipe: Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Finally Friday! After another crazy week is over and already looking forward tomorrow when I will be finally going to Expo 2015 (Milan). Real excited moreover as tomorrow there will be a huge parade in honor of a Japan day and as Hello Kitty is the ambassador of Japan pavilion and as I work for this lovely lady, than going to be there as well.

And as I already know that tomorrow there won’t be much time cooking a big, innovative and creative fit breakfasts and try new recipes than last night prepared a wonderful alternative instead of my regular rolled oats / oat meal or overnight oats 2 ingredient oat cookies. Easy – peasy, fast and tastes great. Here is recipe you must try! Read More

Fit food & Drinks

It’s finally Friday again! The best phrase ever for my ears today! Yesterday’s Nike 1 mile challenge got me like ” mum, I don’t want to go to school work today”. it’s been one hell of a week at work, gym, workouts, running, organizing, socializing and working on summer projects, challenges (like #JourneyToSplits challenge. About which you can read here and still join it!)  that today I feel destroyed that all I want to do is to be at home and just chill, hit the bed early and wake up and have a lovely piece of Banana protein bread with a big cup of green tea for a super breakfast to regain my strengths and get back on track.

Unfortunately the beautiful breakfast was last weekend and not sure if will be able to wake up early tomorrow to make another one, but definitely will be cookin’ which I love to do – so relaxing!

Actually it is funny but I have never tried traditional banana bread and I do go crazy for bananas! Just so you know traditional banana bread is primarily made out of sugar, white flour, and butter. Even though it features a fruit—the almighty banana—banana bread isn’t healthy. It’s mostly sugar and fat. And as I am fit chef that likes to tweaks recipes than this was a good case to try my own healthy version of it by customizing Annas Sward’s Banana protein bread recipe and adding my own experience.

If you want to try your own Banana Protein bread – here is the recipe. Easy, pretty fast, healthy and so delicious!   Read More

Fit food & Drinks

We all have heard this super food: quinoa (if ever struggled how to pronounce the word than it should be said “keen wah”. and here is the pronunciation video) that it is the absolute must have in every diet due for all the good it does to your body. Quinoa is not a grain but a seed and therefore easier to digest, rich with protein and low on glycemic index moreover wheat and gluten free and packed with vitamins and minerals (like Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, etc.) therefore also perfect if you are a vegan or vegetarian.

As as clean eater that’s slightly bored with regular wholegrain rice and chicken for lunch than I try to experiment  with my lean protein and carbs to make my meals more diverse and quinoa is one of my favorite alternative as it goes so god together with several foods.

My last lunch combinations was quinoa, Read More

Fit food & Drinks, Travel

Waky waky, it’s Friday! While most of people are on their way to work I am was off to airport to head to Palermo, Sicily where will spend this weekend! So excited for all the new experiences in tastes ahead, but first things first – today is Foody Friday and as this is a travelling post than wanted also to share with you my travelling breakfast secret and tip to catch an early flight/train and not to snack at airport on something unhealthy.

My solution, that work’s always is overnight oats. It’s easy, fast and so delicious. It is perfect, if you do not have time to prepare breakfast at morning, so you prepare it the night before and just eat it before hitting the road or option B – take it with you in a food container.

The recipe is simple Read More

Fit food & Drinks

TGIF! One of the nicest letter combination of whole week  – Thanks God It’s Friday! Outside is sunny and mind is travelling and alreayd planning new things for the weekend ahead! Could have been a long weekend, as on Tuesday is a national holiday here in Italy, so could have taken also a day off on Monday and just stayed in, BUT as I am going for a short break next weekend, for my bf’s birthday, than will be going to work on Monday.

As my fit challange with myself is still on and and deadlne is approaching, than must be stronger than ever, however sometimes you do feel like having something to sattisfy that sweet tooth of ours but the same time need to stay on the strict objectives, so I came up with a recipe (really easy-peasy one) how to have soemthing sweet and still stick to the deit plan.

Greek yogurt + some immagination is the key and you have a wonderful, low call, high in protein and anti oxidants dessert that can be eaten also at evening! Here is how. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Today is first day of May and that means that here in Milan is opening of the World Expo whih will be for next 6 months. This time the theme is Feeding the Planet – Energy for life, so it means all about food, nutrition, living on this planet. Already set my plans to go to visit it and see all the pavilions for myself but will wait when the buzz goes down and therefore having an lazy day at home and cooking is one of my favorite thing to do.

This time I am going to share my newest experiment – bread – olive bread recipe.  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Happy Friday everyone! Today is my last day at Germany (Cologne-Dusseldorf) and ready to return back to Milan.

Sometimes Friday arrives with so much fatigue and tiredness that all you want to do is to stay in, watch some good movie and relax and when there is a movie there is a automatic need for a snack too.. to avoid eating all those chips and candies I came up with a lovely alternative – vegetable chips – zucchini and radish. Easy and fast and no bad fats nor bad calories but will definitely make you lick your fingers!

here comes the recipe: Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Every country has their own tradition for Easter, one of my favorite is Easter egg coloring with natural colors as after you put them on a festivity table, exchange with neighbors, family and friends for neighborly living.  (Also for this reason my family usually go for 30-40 egg coloring as you need to eat them, exchange them and fight them as well).

Easter morning starts with your colored egg finding inside your house or garden (where usually Easter bunny is leaving them) together with some nice card, chocolate and marzipan egg. The egg hunting is usually for all the family together or kids. Once you have found yours you go go back for breakfast and have the traditional egg fight too. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

As a wise lady Julia Child once said – ” a party without cake is just a meeting” and I couldn’t agree more especially when it comes to birthdays. However as much as we would love cake for that particular moment  afterwards there is always a regret feeling, especially when we talk about carrot-walnut cake – my favorite.

Last weekend was my boyfriend’s brothers 25th birthday and as we are all clean eaters than had to find some alternative to have his birthday  candles put in somewhere. After a short brainstorming I came up with a marvelous alternative how to have your piece of cake “clean and lean” and completely without a guilt. My solution was a protein cake – a Banana and Blueberry Protein cake.
Really fast, easy and oh, so delicious! here is how:

Read More


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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester