
Fit food & Drinks

Last Friday was all about cravings and desire to cook and create something different and delicious using particular ingredients, like black rice and pumpkin and so on. (The original post you can see here).  The best part of the last weekend was the one that followed – I actually did create and played around with 2 new fit recipes. The first one was with black rice and salmon.

So fast, easy and perfect for a fit weekend lunch that can be made by anyone and will take not more than 30 minutes to prepare everything. No real cooking skills required as well, so no excuses not trying yourself at home.

See recipe below. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

As on Foody Fridays I always touch the subject of something delicious and fit, however as last 10 days has been week of sickness so no experimental cooking nor new recipes tried than this weekend I am so on to try-out something fit, particular and delicious. I already have 100 ingredients in my mind I wish to eat and try and mix together so I decided to share such eye-candy fit food with you and maybe you can suggest some nice recipe yourself that should try out based on my below list! Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Fridays is the time of the week that I am looking forward the most as it means – weekend is around the corner and also it means that I am going to share with you, my dear reader, a new recipe/experiment as on every Foody Friday.

Today’s experiment an healthy egg and broccoli casserole that is perfect for dinner and a great alternative to frittata or regular chicken.

This egg casserole is one of the easiest things to prepare and does not need much all you need is some eggs, pre-cooked broccoli, some bread crumbs and some cheese if wish to give some texture to it. if wish to try yourself – just print/save the recipe below and go for it! Fit, healthy and delicious!  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Since I was a kid Sunday’s for me have always associated with the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen where mom is baking them! you just now that the day will be just amazing after eating a hot pancake covered with a homemade strawberry or apple jam – just sweet, sweet happiness!

But since I have turned to (the dark side) healthier cooking and lifestyle than I decided to improve also my pancakes recipe with some healthier and less caloric ingredients, so I tried my hand in baking Protein pancakes with no flour, instead using banana!
Must say the result is De-Li-Ci-Ous!Just finger-lickin’! Moreover it is so easy and fast!Give it a try!  RECIPE below!
..since I tried these – I have never went back to the old ones as there is no big difference in taste, well maybe there is – they taste even better! a
actually so good that you even want to play with you food…


My protein pancakes master class with a Domo shaped pan |

My protein pancakes master class with a Domo shaped pan


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Fit food & Drinks

You love traditional morning oats or oatmeal but kind bored and would like to try something else for a change? Well look no further because I have an answer for you – a semolina strawberry porridge. 

I do like my oats a lot, but sometimes you just need to switch up your morning routines and try something else as well and who said that eating clean should be boring and monotone ? Read More

Fit food & Drinks

I believe that people who loves good cuisine and especially Italian one loves as well the green, flavory made of fresh basil sauce – pesto. Mostly pesto companies starters, like mozzarella and tomatoes  or first dishes like pasta or even some gourmet plates as a decoration. (There is even an ice cream, a good one, with a pesto flavor. Must try it! Oh those crafty and innovative Italians, huh? )

What’s for me – I love basil in general and even growing it on my balcony as love it fresh and what can be better than make your own pesto sauce to your trofie (type of fresh pasta) or tomatoes dish?  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

As on Fridays I always try to reveal some of my recipes or fit food experiments an also today is not an exception as I wish to share with you my last recipe I tried my hand in – a Shrimp zoodles! It is not a new word nor discovery for a healthy food world and food trend hunters which has been obsessing about this new invention:  zucchini+noodles = zoodles! Basically you get your own (colorful) noodles without having to get the carbs of the pasta! And may I just add – they do look colorful and fun on the plate?!

So I decided to try out something for myself by mixing zoodles, shrimps and red bell pepper and this is the result – a fit diner dish that is so delicious that you will be licking your fingers and ask for more!

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Fit food & Drinks

It’s been 5 days in my no-cheating, no-excuse new workout and diet challenge of 84 days and I must say I feel great! Been following my training schedule and managed to stick to all of them as well as all meals and timings. 

Sure there is also a downside, that been hungry, like, hmmm, how to better put this – all the time?! And sore, oh gosh been feeling sore like crazy (and leg day is only tomorrow..). But determined to keep up with my schedule (which you can see  HERE and download also a template to start your own training). 

As for food – I am getting on the track with the meals as well and eating 5 times per day with moderation portion. 

Here is how my meals looks like: Read More

Fit food & Drinks

As here in Italy was a long bank holidays it was a perfect occasion not only to recreate and catch up with works but also experiment with some new recipes. This time I decided to try my hand in Sweet potato snack recipe and I must say it turned out even better than I hoped. 

Easy, fast delicious and perfect snack on-the-go. Fast to prepare and need just 4 main ingredients but still delicious and filling – so win-win situation to those who want something sweet but the same time fit and something that allows you to stick to the diet (especially helpful before Christmas holiday).

The main things you need is a peanut butter and Sweet potato, some cocoa powder and some flavors for taste+ oven and a little bit of your time. Printable recipe sheet below. (HERE is recipe how to make a peanut butter at home, like I always do. SO EASY!)   Read More

Me & My Beau

What can be better than a bank holiday? …2 bank holidays in a row+ a weekend! Indeed, this has been one long weekend – 4 day long weekend to be precise and I must say – I am loving it! Who wouldn’t have to have a weekend of 4 days? Imagine how much you can do? rest, sleep in, be lazy, manage all the things/projects and social life in all that weekend. mmm, this weekend has been just wonderful. I even finally managed to have some beauty time for myself with a face masks and hair masks.

It’s been a while since I had my last hair mask – DYI home made hair mask therefore this long weekend has been perfect for a home beauty treatments so decided to enhance my blond hair color by giving some extra, natural highlights. (it’s needed when the weather is gloomy and foggy as my hair gets darker at winter time, so some special treatment is a must.)

Here is my simple yet effective home made hair mask to enhance the blonde color recipe. Read More


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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester