
Fit food & Drinks

I believe that people who loves good cuisine and especially Italian one loves as well the green, flavory made of fresh basil sauce – pesto. Mostly pesto companies starters, like mozzarella and tomatoes  or first dishes like pasta or even some gourmet plates as a decoration. (There is even an ice cream, a good one, with a pesto flavor. Must try it! Oh those crafty and innovative Italians, huh? )

What’s for me – I love basil in general and even growing it on my balcony as love it fresh and what can be better than make your own pesto sauce to your trofie (type of fresh pasta) or tomatoes dish?  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

As on Fridays I always try to reveal some of my recipes or fit food experiments an also today is not an exception as I wish to share with you my last recipe I tried my hand in – a Shrimp zoodles! It is not a new word nor discovery for a healthy food world and food trend hunters which has been obsessing about this new invention:  zucchini+noodles = zoodles! Basically you get your own (colorful) noodles without having to get the carbs of the pasta! And may I just add – they do look colorful and fun on the plate?!

So I decided to try out something for myself by mixing zoodles, shrimps and red bell pepper and this is the result – a fit diner dish that is so delicious that you will be licking your fingers and ask for more!

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Fit food & Drinks

Foody- Friday is here and today and it means another weak is behind our backs and another weekend is ahead of us. Specially difficult for the ones who are on the tight diet, like I am. Resisting food temptations is not easy, but so rewarding. So swap those aperetivo fries for a salad or make your own  aperetivo/ social gathering at home and build your own, perfect and healthy salad and snack that would save up on your calories and pocket.

Here is how I build and shop for my week ahead for salads to make it colorful, interesting, nutritious and delicious.


I have already shared some of my recipes of salads and office lunch so can check them out for inspiration. But this time – how to make your own salad with a nice visual that speak for itself. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

It’s been 5 days in my no-cheating, no-excuse new workout and diet challenge of 84 days and I must say I feel great! Been following my training schedule and managed to stick to all of them as well as all meals and timings. 

Sure there is also a downside, that been hungry, like, hmmm, how to better put this – all the time?! And sore, oh gosh been feeling sore like crazy (and leg day is only tomorrow..). But determined to keep up with my schedule (which you can see  HERE and download also a template to start your own training). 

As for food – I am getting on the track with the meals as well and eating 5 times per day with moderation portion. 

Here is how my meals looks like: Read More

Fit food & Drinks

As here in Italy was a long bank holidays it was a perfect occasion not only to recreate and catch up with works but also experiment with some new recipes. This time I decided to try my hand in Sweet potato snack recipe and I must say it turned out even better than I hoped. 

Easy, fast delicious and perfect snack on-the-go. Fast to prepare and need just 4 main ingredients but still delicious and filling – so win-win situation to those who want something sweet but the same time fit and something that allows you to stick to the diet (especially helpful before Christmas holiday).

The main things you need is a peanut butter and Sweet potato, some cocoa powder and some flavors for taste+ oven and a little bit of your time. Printable recipe sheet below. (HERE is recipe how to make a peanut butter at home, like I always do. SO EASY!)   Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Every country has it’s own eating culture and Italy is definitely leading the list of the most exquisite, various and delicious cousins in the World. As I have been living in this food mecca more than 5 years already of course I have also picked up some Italian recipes, eating habits and tips that I use and incorporate in my everyday diet and dishes to make them more various, interesting and alternative. 

One of my all time favorite snack is friselle. Which is a a kind of durum wheat bread that is a specialty of Southern Italy, in particular the Puglia region.  They have the form of donuts, they are salty and are usually accompanied by tomatoes and eaten with some oil on them to soften them.

The recipe is really simple:

Friselle with tomato and basil

Friselle with tomato and basil


Instructions: Take friselle soak them in a water for couple of seconds. (I usually put them under a running water as it is potable) than put on plate and add fresh tomatoes cut in cubes, some fresh basil*  and some olive oil to soften them.

Ready to be served. 

Friselle - a Specialty from South of Italy

Friselle – a Specialty from South of Italy



  • In order not to make it to fall apart it must be enjoyed immediately as will not be able to hold it anymore.
  • I am growing basil on my balcony – perfect for so many dishes, especially Italian cuisine. Really easy plant to grow and take care of and doesn’t ask much attention. just watering regularly.)

This is my one of favorite Italian snacks that is fast to make, healthy and perfect between meals that I enjoy occasionally on Cheat days (usually Sundays once in while). 


What is your traditional, easy snack you love? 


Fit food & Drinks

We all now carrots, we have seen them and we have tried them but do you know also their story? Fun facts and their health benefits? Well I am proud to inform you that I know! (..well,now!) and I am ready to entertain and share my knowledge as well with you and top with some nice tips and recipes. So let’s go!

A little bit of history – the carrot originally comes from Central Europe and the first evidence on people using them in their meals are found already 2000 years ago. Their initial colors used to be dark red. 

The orange color carrots got only in 16. century when dutch crossed the red ones with yellow ones and came up with the nowadays popular orange color when they also started to grow them massively as before it was considered to be a delicatessen – aka deli food ).  

Ancient Egyptians used carrots to heal people as noticed they are helping the sick recover faster while ancient Greeks called them the love potion and believed that carrots can help you fall in love faster.  (Interesting why?  and what they did to test it? Just eat them in big quantities? Presented as gifts?)  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

I did it! I signed up for a house that will give treats to spooky little ones! I know it is not really European tradition but it is getting famous also here. Also it is a good occasion to prepare my (already famous) witch finger cookies (guess kids will not enjoy protein treats and protein muffins, huh? or would they??maybe power bars?). They are truly easy and fast to make so if hosting a party or just want something spooky as a treat – than this is a right recipe for you.

here is how a short video explaining it:




and here is my witch fingers ready to be taken..if you dare..

Proper recipe below. Read More

Fit food & Drinks, Travel
  • How to eat healthy at London Gatwick airport
  • How to eat healthy at London Gatwick airport
  • How to eat healthy at London Gatwick airport
  • How to eat healthy at London Gatwick airport

How to eat healthy at London Gatwick airport

We all have been there- fighting with boredom before or between flights( also me last week in London). Some goes around exploring shopping area if there is any, some surfs Internet  if found a free Wi-Fi that works well, but the biggest part, I have noticed, are hitting g food courts and cafeterias to feed their emotional or real hunger.

As for me, as I believe being a professional jet setter hopping on and off flights every week or every second week (this year been running around the world like crazy) than I can say I have learned quite a lot and have already made my way around airports and finding out where is the best smoothies and nicest salad and prefect snacks for a quick bite.

This time about London Gatwick airport and where I am finding my healthy meals. Read More

Me & My Beau

Living in Italy and not drinking a coffee is something that does not really goes well together with the local culture especially because you cannot imagine a meeting, starting your morning (properly) or finishing a meal that would not involve a short, black coffee from a mini cup.  As we all know how proud Italians are with their black as night, sweet as love and hot as the hell coffee so taking that away drags you in the center of attention immediately.. So this is what happened with me last 2 weeks as I was resetting my caffeine tolerance by cutting down on coffee.

I must say that living in Milan for 5 years you really get used to drinking coffee and it is harder to quit a habit than I was thinking it would be, but I made it (with some floss in my strict plan, BUT still did it) and can proudly say that I have definitely reset my caffeine tolerance and that it definitely works!  Read More


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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester