
Me & My Beau

Living in Italy and not drinking a coffee is something that does not really goes well together with the local culture especially because you cannot imagine a meeting, starting your morning (properly) or finishing a meal that would not involve a short, black coffee from a mini cup.  As we all know how proud Italians are with their black as night, sweet as love and hot as the hell coffee so taking that away drags you in the center of attention immediately.. So this is what happened with me last 2 weeks as I was resetting my caffeine tolerance by cutting down on coffee.

I must say that living in Milan for 5 years you really get used to drinking coffee and it is harder to quit a habit than I was thinking it would be, but I made it (with some floss in my strict plan, BUT still did it) and can proudly say that I have definitely reset my caffeine tolerance and that it definitely works!  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

We all know that eating greens are good for us! Especially broccoli which is super veggie and even included in World’s Healthiest food list and full of vitamins and low on calories. However as not many people are not fans of them than sometimes we overlook this green fellow and do not include in our shopping list, me included! But i decided to change that and start eating it more often but only if I find some interesting healthy recipe. (As you might have noticed – I do love to try out my hand on different, healthy recipes).  

So far I have tried my hand in baked Broccoli tots recipe that I came across in Pintrest by talented Layla from Gimme Delicious and decided to give a try after checking out her recipe and this is what I came up to with a slight modifications. Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

Monday is for challenges and new beginnings! it’s a perfect occasion to reset something or uptake a new thing, it’s like a second chance to start over that’s offered to you every single week. So today I am also throwing myself a new challenge to reset my caffeine effect or challenge myself to not use coffee for next two weeks.

The thing I decided to do it is just because I believe that coffee is not anymore doing the effect to me as it used to so I want to go back to the time when I never drank coffee (5 years ago), but living in Italy you just get used to a nice cup of a good espresso that you just cannot do it without. Moreover as for a athlete caffeine is an essential for a performance boosting before training and it should better have it’s effect properly so it is a time to resit it! Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Last day, guys! Last day before heading for vacations so it means just one thing – happiness is in the air (along with the smog, humidity and incredible heated Milan air – yes, still melting feeling), but happiness is taking over everything else leaving secondary! My Friday morning started wonderful as had for breakfast a Hulk protein bread I made last night! and I must say – it turned out yummy so was waiting since last night to be able to try it!

As it is so good, than it is a must to share the recipe with you guys! Originally based to MissK_J6 recipe (check it out here this girl has wonderful clean recipes and ideas! ), but as I ran out of all kind of coconuts that’s needed in her recipe than just went improvising and turned out wonderful, healthy and low on calories!

Hulk Protein bread recipe: Read More

Fit food & Drinks

TGIF! One of the nicest letter combination of whole week  – Thanks God It’s Friday! Outside is sunny and mind is travelling and alreayd planning new things for the weekend ahead! Could have been a long weekend, as on Tuesday is a national holiday here in Italy, so could have taken also a day off on Monday and just stayed in, BUT as I am going for a short break next weekend, for my bf’s birthday, than will be going to work on Monday.

As my fit challange with myself is still on and and deadlne is approaching, than must be stronger than ever, however sometimes you do feel like having something to sattisfy that sweet tooth of ours but the same time need to stay on the strict objectives, so I came up with a recipe (really easy-peasy one) how to have soemthing sweet and still stick to the deit plan.

Greek yogurt + some immagination is the key and you have a wonderful, low call, high in protein and anti oxidants dessert that can be eaten also at evening! Here is how. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

FriYaY! Indeed, finally “Yay” as the it is end of a long and tiring working week and weekend is right in front of you! I am already planning that this weekend will be dedicated to make some healthy and ft recipe and go to a Spring parade (fitness festival )here in Milan. So if you are in the city – do not miss! Here is the link to the event. So join and let’s celebrate Spring between fit people and good music and have loads of fun.

As today is the FF – Foody Friday for me, than I want to share with you (slightly revised by me) a chart I saw on a magazine in Germany about healthy food swaps to save on calories and to make some changes in your diet too. I tried to make it pretty easy and visual for a bigger impact.

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Fit food & Drinks

And another work week is almost done and weekend is about to start. So excited looking for that because it is finally sunny and that means that this weekend will hopefully open the tanning season- woot, woot! also it has been 5 days since my challenge with myself, so still determined to keep going and sticking to my plan and lose those 3,5kg in 31day!

To stay away from bad snacks especially before bedtime, I have come across to wonderful suggestions tat actually works and will keep you away from snacking!

Here is the list: Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

Hello Monday! Hello 1st Monday of May. As a tradition I am going to share my visual board for May.

May has always been one of my favorite months of the year! You can feel the summer already in the air that makes you more motivated, more colorful, more inspired and overall happier! full of flowers and longer and sunnier days to manage more things, like going for a run, bicycle ride and adventures – so many adventures planned!

From my side already know that next week heading for a business trip to Copenhagen – again – hop-in-hop off in the country but still a small getaway to one of my favorite European capitals ever.

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Fit food & Drinks
  • How to avoid snacking or Food cravings explained
  • How to avoid snacking or Food cravings explained

How to avoid snacking or Food cravings explained

We all have our preferences and we all have some kind of food that is harder to resist than other. Some has mom’s homemade apple pie, somebody a milk chocolate and somebody cupcakes with a chocolate icing. Some people, like me, has just general food cravings and mostly when we are bored our hands are reaching out to take some sweet or candy which is in our sight. Sometimes we just want something salty – like potato crisps or something oily – why it is so and do we really know what we need?
I set up this simple chart explaining what we crave  and what actually our body needs. This chart has changed my mindset completely and must add that it works splendidly – give it a try and will be avoiding that cupcakes and crisps in no time. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

As a wise lady Julia Child once said – ” a party without cake is just a meeting” and I couldn’t agree more especially when it comes to birthdays. However as much as we would love cake for that particular moment  afterwards there is always a regret feeling, especially when we talk about carrot-walnut cake – my favorite.

Last weekend was my boyfriend’s brothers 25th birthday and as we are all clean eaters than had to find some alternative to have his birthday  candles put in somewhere. After a short brainstorming I came up with a marvelous alternative how to have your piece of cake “clean and lean” and completely without a guilt. My solution was a protein cake – a Banana and Blueberry Protein cake.
Really fast, easy and oh, so delicious! here is how:

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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester