

Another weekend has gone by and here we are on Monday, making lists and plans for the week ahead of us, well at least that’s me and how I start every week – with a reflection of the previous one and planning the things that have to be done, obtained and achieved this week. Of course there comes also motivation and inspiration dose, which is absolutely necessary to give the right tune to the week. The amount of it depends on results and sum up of the previous week. As last week was spent trying to lose that extra kg taken during my Sicily getaway. Must say I am half way there and this week motivating myself to lose the other half and a little bit more so today I need some extra fitspiration, motivation and maybe some evil sarcastic gym humor to get me going and if you are like me – keep reading. Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

This magic weekend is about to finish as well as my Sicilian adventure as today is officially last day in Palermo before heading back to Milan. I must say that some great things has been learned, some Sicilian secrets reviled and some tan and loads of sunshine and positive energy taken that will give me strength and motivation till my next month! (Details and pictures of will follow up on Travel Sunday post).

Today, as it’s beginning of a new month, I am sharing my monthly visual board to set the tune and objectives for the June  that I will go after.

The first and the main goal of the month is progress. No matter how big it is – important is the progress and moving forward! Yes, these 2 days, let’s be honest, was not all about working out every day,  but rather – “let’s try this local dish” or “ this dessert looks heavenly – I must try it!” so I need to get back on my clean eating and training schedule, but sometimes it is good just to give yourself a break and enjoy the life’s guilty pleasures (well as long as they are balanced).

Before leaving for Palermo I closed my 31 day challenge and I must say I did good Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

Well, last week has been wild and difficult physically and morally therefore could not update my blog and skipped the entries about Food on Friday and Workout on Wednesday, but today is motivational Monday and time for update what actually happened to me last weekend.

On Monday and Tuesday I was in Copenhagen for work (my travel essentials can find here), than came back and than on Thursday morning I headed to Germany, where were invited to German’s Next Top Model Finale with Heidi Klum presenting it. All excited and all happy were ready for the show (with my new beauty essentials and vintage outfit-unfortunately no pictures were taken at the show with me, so cannot show it off), the show started wonderful and were really having a great time, but than the unexpected and terrible bombing threat in the middle of the show and 8000 people evacuation from the arena, ruined everything. Not only moods of thousands of people but also it made you think, HOW everything could finish at one moment, just like that! poof, and you are gone.. Scary, I must say, really scary. It made me realize HOW precious every single moment is and how fast the things can be changed and you can do nothing about it. Read More

Me & My Beau, Workout

I know yesterday was a Workout Wednesday but do to a technical reasons was not able to update my blog but today we are back in business and I am ready to share with you a reason, a colorful reason that motivates me to workout, keep pushing harder and striving for progress.

You know what is the thing that inspires me working out? Results! My own results! and progress to see how my body is changing and improving. Especially nice when you receive a nice and sincere compliment that you have a beautiful legs. (Received from a business partner –  a woman) it was truly sincere that made me feel real proud and gave me some extra motivation to keep striving for progress and even better results.  Read More


Sometimes on Mondays we need some extra motivation and inspiration to make the week start right and set some new smaller goals and objectives to reach. This week did not start too good for me as I woke up feeling terrible this morning so I couldn’t manage to go to work, however now feeling a lot better and again full of energy and determination to keep going after my goals.

To do so – here is my weeks motivation – fit-inspiration to get back on track and dream big.

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Some people are looking forward holiday with a joy – some, like me,  are having split feelings- from one had – can’t wait to relax, sleep and get some time off the every day busy life, from other hand looking forward with a doubt for the holiday that will come and ruining the progress achieved, clean eating and workout graphic. For me it is extra difficult to remain on track with clean eating and my timings as having a pretty full workday with my own rhythm and timing: for eating, sleeping and working out. Once comes holidays, especially a long ones and away from home, it is almost impossible to eat at 8am my oats, have second breakfast at 10:30 with a chicken, workout at 20:00 and hit the bead at 23:00.. So every time coming back from holidays are pretty traumatic as I need to get back to track and catch up to point where I left off therefore serves an extra motivation to not give up and get demotivated. Read More

Sooo, this is what I did – yep! I signed up for a gym! summer is coming and why not atleast try to look better, if you can and even more if you have an adorable flatmate going with you?
it’s is always more fun if you go somewhere together, especially taking up loads of courses!
so yesterday I took this Joy Fit-something class. where you basically dance and make some cool dance moves! (move like Jagger)  the teacher – Bruno, a young, fun guy around 25, is a really good dancer and I guess that was the reason why his class was so full with ladies all ages!
as that was not enough, i took an Acqua Fit class with a trainer who was all the time screaming, and as he was looking like Patrick Swayze it made it really funny, so i was laughing that we have a dirty dancing course in water till neck!
in conclusion – recommend to everyone to make yourself proud and do something for your health and shape! let’s see how it will go – summer will be here in 3 months!


p.s. once more I have came to conclusion that i am really hyperactive and have way too much energy!
p.s.s. nothing hurts today – awesome! i am ready for more!


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester