

As always I am paying a flying visit to Germany (Yesterday Stuttgart and today Frankfurt) for business meetings. But even on a tough schedule I try not to skip a workout day (and Wednesdays are workout days) therefore wherever I am I try to squeeze in a quick cardio/ HIIT or workout session depending of my agenda and meeting schedule.

As unfortunately my connection is really faulty than going to be brief but still l want to share my morning cardio blast in my hotel room (this time staying at design hotel- 25hours by Levi’s, despite of connection – really liking this trendy place). My adventures in live on Snapchat and Twitter) that could and SHOULD be replicated also in your trips or busy mornings (no excuses).
Quick Cardio blast
Warm up. Walk 5 min on a spot or a light jog.
(Do the 30 seconds for each exercise and move quickly into the next).
  • High knee sprint on the spot (as fast as you can)
  • Mountain climbers
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Burpees
  • Squat jumps
  • Air skips
  • Lateral skater jumps
  • Jog on Spot
  • Tuck jumps
  • rest 30 seconds
Repeat for total 2 to 5 sets
Cool down and STRETCH!
You will see it will energize you for the rest of the day!
What about you? Have you ever worked out during your trips/ holidays in a hotel?
Fit food & Drinks

Going bananas for bananas! This statement is so true about me (almost like Minions). Add peanut butter to bananas and you have captured my heart. Not because it is extremely good to you but also because this combination is a perfect snack to incorporate in your diet and to loose weight.

On my workout days I am always having a half or baby-banana (bananito) with a 1 1/2 teaspoon of a peanut butter (home made. So easy to make so check out the recipe here).

The great thing about banana is Read More


WW – Workout Wednesday is here and without an exception also today we are blasting calories! My 31 day shreading challenge before hitting the beach (Palermo calling) in two days is progressing real good – minus 2kg and increased strength and muscles, so keeping focused and eyes on the prize – super fit, healthy and bikini ready (so can start posing my beach workout videos).

Today I wanted to share with you a fabulous booty-boosting, calory shreading training that works out your body entirely – kickboxing. I started  practicing it last year and i must admint i got hooked immediately – so intense, so energetic and so fun! Iamgine punching out all your negative energy and just release your anger with kicks and punches? Trust me – works like charm every time after a long day/ bad week or just to release the tension and make you feel like a Wonderwoman and kick some butts!

Here are some basic moves from my last weekends park workout (I train Muay Thai Thai traditional kickbox) incorporated with some suggestions from IFBB Pro Stacy Alexander (creator of Kickfit training program and owner of A-Team Training Center in Las Vegas.) Read More


On a Workout Wednesday I am always trying to share some tips and tricks of fitness and workout to help you to improve your form. Today, I would like to share exercises that are really efficient to burn fat and a lot more intense than regular, static cardio – like running.

This 10 tips I saw on Hamed’s Google Plus page. (Check him out) and I had to share them with you too – because I couldn’t agree more as I have tried almost all of them and trust me – they are super efficient as I can compare with a regular running (I go for a run couple of times per week).

So here is what Hamed suggests: Read More

Fit food & Drinks

And another work week is almost done and weekend is about to start. So excited looking for that because it is finally sunny and that means that this weekend will hopefully open the tanning season- woot, woot! also it has been 5 days since my challenge with myself, so still determined to keep going and sticking to my plan and lose those 3,5kg in 31day!

To stay away from bad snacks especially before bedtime, I have come across to wonderful suggestions tat actually works and will keep you away from snacking!

Here is the list: Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester