
Fit food & Drinks

On rainy and gloomy Fridays like these all we want to do is crawl up on a sofa under a blanket, cuddle and have something delicious to comfort our souls. Of course the usually option is some unhealthy sweets and rather often we reach out for an ice cream when we definitely shouldn’t.. (You know, diet and stuff?) So I have come up with the best alternative to sweets and healthy food combination that suits me just perfect: a NICE CREAM

It can be even vegan and gluten-free – the limit is the sky and master chef in you. As my boyfriend is lactose intolerant than this is wonderful option also to treat him with a (n)ice cream plus definitely fit version of it.

My weekends cheat-meal snack is Strawberry Nice Cream (vegan and lactose free and so fit so you won’t have a guilty pleasure, just pleasure). Below is recipe – also printable to try at home! Read More

Fit food & Drinks

We all have heard this super food: quinoa (if ever struggled how to pronounce the word than it should be said “keen wah”. and here is the pronunciation video) that it is the absolute must have in every diet due for all the good it does to your body. Quinoa is not a grain but a seed and therefore easier to digest, rich with protein and low on glycemic index moreover wheat and gluten free and packed with vitamins and minerals (like Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, etc.) therefore also perfect if you are a vegan or vegetarian.

As as clean eater that’s slightly bored with regular wholegrain rice and chicken for lunch than I try to experiment  with my lean protein and carbs to make my meals more diverse and quinoa is one of my favorite alternative as it goes so god together with several foods.

My last lunch combinations was quinoa, Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Did you know that peanut butter is classified as a superfood? Actually funny how good peanuts are for you your body and not only to satisfy your sweet tooth. It has a significant role in a daily nutrition and part of many athlete diet, also mine as it contains all those good fats and protein. The amino acids present in them are good for proper growth and development of body. They lower bad cholesterol and are great as antioxidants, and that’s not it, it has many other good impacts to your health and body. To know more about peanut amazing benefits, all 29, you can find here.

As a conscious consumer I always check the labels and hidden sugars in my food I discovered how much added carbs and sugars are in processed spreads than I decided to make my own peanut butter. It is fast, easy and result is absolutely delicious. Here is how. Read More


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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester