
  • Travel: Phuket must see or Christmas getaway guide
  • Travel: Phuket must see or Christmas getaway guide
  • Travel: Phuket must see or Christmas getaway guide
  • Travel: Phuket must see or Christmas getaway guide
  • Travel: Phuket must see or Christmas getaway guide
  • Travel: Phuket must see or Christmas getaway guide
  • Travel: Phuket must see or Christmas getaway guide

Travel: Phuket must see or Christmas getaway guide

Celebrating new Year at beach with bear feet is one thing that I can cross out of my Travel-Bucket-list because this dream was full filled last year at Phuket, Thailand – the ultimate New Year’s destination where the weather is perfect, ranging 23°C-28°C at December and ideal for hitting beaches in flip flops and summer shorts and not getting burned immediately.

Actually I did not go there for partying but to rest, relax and regain strength for new year to start it fully recovered. Previous year has been crazily intense in work, in private life, travelling and never manage to fully stop, think and relax so this trip was something I was looking forward for last quarter and was counting days (seriously – had a countdown – Day Counter application in my phone to motivate me and keep me going).

As a traveler that prefers to have a real, local experience wherever I did not book a hotel but rented a flat in a condominium via which is perfect way to save money and have your own way. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Let’s be honest, we all have been there and we have all struggled with this question: ” I am eating responsibly, I am active, but still cannot lose belly fat”. This question has made me upset, worried and angry for many years, till I turned to a healthier lifestyle, reached out and start making changes and start seeing results . So here is why you are not loosing belly fat:

1. You are not eating or skipping meals.

When you don’t eat or skip meals your body goes into starving/self defensing mood and it makes food reserves (mostly, unfortunately, on belly) which translates into fat to use them times when do not get the food (when you skipping the meals) therefore you slow down your metabolism and it makes harder to lose the fat. Read More


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happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester