
Me & My Beau, Workout
  • First Nike event Milan – So Fast – check!
  • First Nike event Milan – So Fast – check!
  • First Nike event Milan – So Fast – check!
  • First Nike event Milan – So Fast – check!
  • First Nike event Milan – So Fast – check!
  • First Nike event Milan – So Fast – check!

First Nike event Milan – So Fast – check!

Happy Monday hot Milan! Ready to confront another work week? I am! Determined, charged and ready for new challenges and achievements – one step at a time!

If you were following me on Twitter and Instagram you already knew that went running a mile with Nike Training Club Milano to show how fast I am. and I must say, it went even better than I thought. Hadn’t been able to run more than a month not even talking about speed running, so was pretty nervous but all good that ends good and just jump right in and confront my fears just by Doing it without too much thinking! (too much thinking kills the courage, so I am not hesitating but just taking opportunities and accept challenges when they comes in front of me without much consideration if the feeling is right.)

It was such a great pleasure to meet and see so many smiley, active and positive people at one place and coming together to do something fit and just enjoy their Thursday evening sporty not by regular bar hopping and Milan apperetivos, even though there was a bar – a juice bar with a freshly squeezed smoothies to recharge our batteries after our mile along the Naviglio.

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Inspiration, Workout
  • July is for challenges
  • July is for challenges

July is for challenges

Happy 1st of July, hope it’s every where as sunny and lovely as it is now in Milan. well, actually maybe a little bit too so instead I would rather prefer to be at beach in beautiful Liguria, but still – not complaining, enjoying sunny Milan Summer days that are still full with things to do, see and experience. especially because here is held World Expo 2015, so city is buzzing with events, attractions, tastings, activities on every corner.

For me beginning of each month is new goal setting and things to look after. July for me is taking up and accepting new challenges, mostly fitness ones. Already mentioned that joined Nike Training Club Milano and did my first competition last Sunday, now taking second challenge tomorrow – So fast Day Milan to have a 1 mile run. (Wish me luck! Haven’t been competing and speed running since high school so feeling a little bit nervous but excited at the same time! )

Than on Monday I saw another wonderful challenge by Blogilates – 30 Days & 30 Stretches to Splits! That Read More


Time indeed flies and feels like just yesterday was 1st of June while it’s almost over and it means that has left just 1 month to my second part of my fitness challenge with myself – to burn fat and increase muscles. First par has closed pretty successful – 2kg but looks like 5! Proud of that. Second part – should go for just giving more definition to muscles as shredding is going hand-in-hand with that. (Remember, the more muscles you have, the faster you burn fat), so this week is all about speeding up the rhythm and trying also some new things.

Last week I joined Nike Training Club Milano and re-download N+TC app to take part in their challenges (first one was yesterday – to track your workout or run with Nike apps and afterwards share on their social networks with the #BetterForIt (about this project you can read here.)  I must say I have pretty hooked with this new challenge and joining the Nike club that already looked up for the next challenge (this 2nd July, Milan) there will be So Fast day. You can still register and come to run a mile and try the new Nike Air Zoom Elite 8 e Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 32 shoes. So if you are in Milan, come and join the challenge. Subscriptions here. Read More


Have you ever seen those girls in pictures posing on their hands or standing on on 1 feet or on head and look amazing and give a fun, fresh and new way of posing for pictures? Well I have and since than one of my fitness objectives has been to learn a handstand so I  can give an artistic, acrobatic and fun twist to my pictures too. Already put this on my visual board and to-do list for 2015 (which you can check here) so there is no backing out – just have to do it.

The first thing I did to get closer to my objective was Read More


Lately I have been asked how and when to work out when you have absolutely no time for it but still want to do something. Well the answer is easy – schedule in advance your tasks and days and make the workout flexible so you can do it at home too after waking up or before dinner or even lunch break- whatever suits you the best. I am sure that everyone will find 15 minutes 3-5 times per week to start/get moving.

This is what I do even on my most busiest days or fullest traveling schedule I try to find the time to squeeze in some 15 minute total-body workout to remain in shape if hitting the gym or going running outside is out of a question. Read More

Have you ever tripped over things or just lose balance and it makes you feel.. am.. Clumsy ? Well you are not alone! Has happened to me many times so decided to measure how sharp are my sixth sense ( Propriception) is and than just improve it to prevent awkward moments in the future.
Proprioception is the ability to sense stimuli arising within the body regarding position, motion, and equilibrium.
(The most common one is the one you close your eyes and touch your nose – used by American police officers to check if you have been drinking).
So I decided to check my sixth senses but not with this simple exercise. I did a small research and I found out that there is an easy test/exercise to do it – a Stork Toe raise.
Do you want to test your sixth sense? Here is how! Let’s do it!

Being inspired is one of the greatest feelings and state of mind that can happen to anyone! At least it is like that for me. When I am inspired I feel so powerful, alive, strong, full of ideas and aims, just unstoppable and the world is my oyster! Like real Wonderwoman that can and will save the World.

I have realized that in order to get there I need some daily dose of inspiration, even in some small things – like motivational picture or some encouraging words.
It’s been years I am collecting those kind of pictures and quotations, colors and good words than whenever I or someone else around me needs some positive boost I just look them up and send it over. A great way to try to make someone else to feel better. For me it works every single time – lifts my spirits and gives me energy again.
As a visual person who loves pictures and colors and inspire others I have decided to try out a new thing – a monthly mood board that would be a preview of my next month aims, dreams, colors, ideas, travels, workout, etc. Maybe it will encourage you too to make some for yourself too to dream a little and reach goals faster and easier.

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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester