Fit food & Drinks

When the sweater weather comes – it’s time to take out the heavy artillery – veggies, fruits, greens, hot dishes, to stay healthy, hydrated and get those vitamins in! A wonderful, fast and easy way to increase your green intake is smoothies! 

I have been head over heels trying new recipes and going wild blending everything! Will it blend? can it blend? you name it – I have tried everything already since I got my new blender! 

Absolutely love it! So basically I can almost call myself a blender babe minus blending minimally dressed; after all -it’s winter and it’s chilly to stay poorly dressed while cooking/blending/or going around the home ( let’s wait for summer for that, shall we? ) However they are cool and have some great recipes. Read More


This fall I have been traveling a lot therefore I had to also adopt my workout to my lifestyle switching from 1/1,5 gym sessions to shorter but more intense trainings. So far my favorite time saver and overall body training, booty shaper and super fat-shredder is HIIT workout. It saves time and can be completed everywhere – even your hotel room in your undies (yep, not ashamed to admit that! saving space on those leggings and shoes in carry on bag).

 In my last trip (3days in Stockholm) I used my Seconds Timer app (which is so far the best timer ever for training and customized programs). Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

On Motivational Monday it should be all about motivation and inspiration to get you going so let’s not make any exceptions and will share you my motivation on the week.

So the bad news is that after 6 months fighting to get rid of the results of my summer intoxication in Portugal ( which despite on unfortunate events did not ruin that wonderful road trip). turns out that I have a partly conclusion – I won a gastritis! (yeah, how you get that in your twenties, you will ask? Well intoxication and stress, my friend. Stress is the root of the evil. Telling you!). 

Needless to say that have been quite down because of this – uncertainty, pain, discomfort, medicine, gym&workout skipping due to that, which has lead to a weight gain and slight obsession of losing the weight, work traveling and mental exhaustion of all work overload. So let’s say this fall hasn’t been the most relaxing, BUT finally I am one step closer resolving the issues – first, I have diagnosis and second part of exam results will come in 2 weeks.  Honestly I am quite glad of this diagnoses because I finally know what it really is and I can start fixing it.

Next is getting back in shape Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Fall is asking for not only season garderobe change but also for local veggies and fruit season change. Even though apples are all year around fall has the best time to enjoy fresh and juicy apple just from the tree (or local farmer’s market) full with those vitamins and antioxidants, or in a different recipes – like baked apples.

I love apples in all forms and in all recipes and therefore experimenting with them always. Baked apple recipe is my latest obsession: fast, easy, healthy and delicious.

My latest recipe inspiration comes from Katie at Some Bits and Bobs blog. I went for adopting her Vegan Gluten-free nut crumble served in apple recipe and this is what I came up for – a healthy and easy baked apple dessert that’s perfect for breakfast or as a fit snack. Read More


Each girl has their own priority and target zone they wish to improve in her body. Many of us have their preference to have a nice butt and legs (and let’s be honest – who doesn’t like to have a nice booteeey? I do that’s why my target focus are my legs and butt. Even when i have 1 possibility a week to have a training – I will always go for a leg day, even when traveling focusing my training for legs s biggest muscle group of the body and also the one who shreds the most of fat when in action.

There some effective training for legs and back so here are some of mine that does not requires lot of space nor equipment so feel free to try this at home. Read More

Repeatedly, psychology tests have proven that telling someone your goal makes it less likely to happen.

-   Derek Sivers   -

Keep your goals to yourself - the road might be lonely one but definitely worth it |

Keep your goals to yourself – the road might be lonely one but definitely worth it

Have you ever failed reaching your goal? if so – have you thought why it has happened? Well I have and I tell you people that this is definitely linked with our inner goal-getter. As soon as you announce your goal to the world or even to some closest people seems that happens everything (even impossible) to get in your way to prevent you from reaching it.  So what you (me) do? you give up. Of course it deludes us and kills our self esteem every time you don’t reach it and makes harder and harder to get motivated again and set once more a new goal.


I have really high self motivation and drive and it’s hard to stop me (that’s when all the impossible things happen).  Now and then wake up with my goals scattered and being nowhere near them. Of course it’s frustrating because you have 2 options – give up or start again. I always (after some wining and thinking the world is against me) go for second option.


This morning I read an article about goals in Virgin and it got me! Indeed! When you say your goals/dreams to someone they are less likely to come true! It makes complete sense now because every time I publicly (also here) announce something – it is probable to not happen.  This article really made me realise this.

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Yet another Sunny Sunday spent in a park training with some seriously cool ladies.  When the weather is still so warm and leaves are golden it’s just a pity to stay in and not enjoy the fresh fall air.

This time I applied Josh Caruthers training program designed for Nike for total body endurance,  core and increase metabolism to get them going and shred some fat (burned aprx. 400 kcal – not bad, eh?). (Last time we went for a circuit training, so this time wanted to spice things up).

This is what we did!  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

The ones who knows me already can tell you that I love making fit food fun and delicious ( #foodporn) and this time is no exception – made a new, nice experiment for a healthy breakfast – a fit smoothie bowl. Also works really well as treat.

The thing about breakfast smoothie bowl is that it’s packed with energy, minerals and vitamins – all that you need to start the day right and so easy to make!

I always keep in my freezer some fruits and berries for an emergency smoothie or nice cream making ( because a girl needs her emergency kit.. Whatever the emergency is). Autumn days like these, when is raining cats and dogs (and you have been working and running around the world like crazy – again) and you just need some ray of sunshine to force yourself to leave the house and face the world – a nice smoothie bowl is the right thing to get you going.

A fit smoothie bowl recipe

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Fit food & Drinks

Whenever I got some free time I roll up sleeves and get on with cooking experiments. This time I tried a homemade tofu chips recipe. So easy, fast and soo good. Completely guilt free too!

Usually I always grab a copy of free Italian recipes books/magazines in supermarkets as I like to see what’s trending now in Italy as well as get some inspiration for my own experiments. This recipe is based on Esseulnga’s fall recipe catalogue I got there ( it’s a supermarket chain store). My eye caught section of recipes for vegans and vegetarians this fall and there was also many recipes with tofu.

As like tofu a lot but many people doesn’t ( including my husband) than decided to give a try to this tofu chips recipe with a slight modification to original one to see how it will be accepted. The result surprised me! And so will you!  Read More


If you have ever tried circuit training you know how effective it is! (Yes, leaves you breathless and makes you wanna collapse on the floor, but, oh, boy, how it works wonders on those booty shaping and fat shredding and makes you sweat).

Last Sunday I had a pleasure to be in couch position and make some blonde ladies to try out this fun circuit training together in one of sunniest Milan’s parks -Parco Solari.

The workout was aimed for all body parts and for some deep fat shredding. (Which is never bad,am I right?).

So here is the circuit to try for yourself – promise, it will burn and make you feel those sore muscles day after! And best part – you don’t need any equipment, just a mat. Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester