
Fit food & Drinks

It’s Friday and it means it has been five days since I have been eating just liquid food. (Monday had a dental intervention therefore having couple of stitches in my mouth. Nothing serious – all in the name of health). Must say it has been quite hard not b able to chew anything and as been starving than had to adopt to my new conditions, that hopefully won’t last for long, and get innovative and blend everything. Basically having my own Will Can it blend show by bending everything. 

First days has been pretty rough so had been drinking just smoothies and some shakes but last days already get more advanced and start experimenting and already made some nice purees. (Tried kids meals and processed soups at beginning, but when realized how much added sugar and sodium is there I quickly decided to make my own dishes. Must say proud and satisfied with my results therefore if you are having some troubles of chewing or just looking for some inspiration to change your diet-  here is my liquid, fit food ideas. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

As a clean eater and let’s-prepare-my-own-healthy-meal kind a gal’ I always plan and prepare my meals (lunch and snacks) in advance to bring with me to the office for the day after, not only because it’s saves time and money but also because in this the best way to control what and how much I am having on my plate therefore allowing me to stick to my diet.

I already have wrote about healthy lunch ideas before – so here is a sequence of them – another 7 easy and healthy take away lunch ideas that are not only fast and easy but also takes little time to prepare.

I usually prepare my lunch for 3 days up front twice a week: Sunday evening and Wednesday for next days – for variation of carbs choosing from brown rice/ buckwheat/ quinoa/ bulgur etc. Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Last day, guys! Last day before heading for vacations so it means just one thing – happiness is in the air (along with the smog, humidity and incredible heated Milan air – yes, still melting feeling), but happiness is taking over everything else leaving secondary! My Friday morning started wonderful as had for breakfast a Hulk protein bread I made last night! and I must say – it turned out yummy so was waiting since last night to be able to try it!

As it is so good, than it is a must to share the recipe with you guys! Originally based to MissK_J6 recipe (check it out here this girl has wonderful clean recipes and ideas! ), but as I ran out of all kind of coconuts that’s needed in her recipe than just went improvising and turned out wonderful, healthy and low on calories!

Hulk Protein bread recipe: Read More

Fit food & Drinks

It’s finally Friday again! The best phrase ever for my ears today! Yesterday’s Nike 1 mile challenge got me like ” mum, I don’t want to go to school work today”. it’s been one hell of a week at work, gym, workouts, running, organizing, socializing and working on summer projects, challenges (like #JourneyToSplits challenge. About which you can read here and still join it!)  that today I feel destroyed that all I want to do is to be at home and just chill, hit the bed early and wake up and have a lovely piece of Banana protein bread with a big cup of green tea for a super breakfast to regain my strengths and get back on track.

Unfortunately the beautiful breakfast was last weekend and not sure if will be able to wake up early tomorrow to make another one, but definitely will be cookin’ which I love to do – so relaxing!

Actually it is funny but I have never tried traditional banana bread and I do go crazy for bananas! Just so you know traditional banana bread is primarily made out of sugar, white flour, and butter. Even though it features a fruit—the almighty banana—banana bread isn’t healthy. It’s mostly sugar and fat. And as I am fit chef that likes to tweaks recipes than this was a good case to try my own healthy version of it by customizing Annas Sward’s Banana protein bread recipe and adding my own experience.

If you want to try your own Banana Protein bread – here is the recipe. Easy, pretty fast, healthy and so delicious!   Read More

Inspiration, Me & My Beau

This magic weekend is about to finish as well as my Sicilian adventure as today is officially last day in Palermo before heading back to Milan. I must say that some great things has been learned, some Sicilian secrets reviled and some tan and loads of sunshine and positive energy taken that will give me strength and motivation till my next month! (Details and pictures of will follow up on Travel Sunday post).

Today, as it’s beginning of a new month, I am sharing my monthly visual board to set the tune and objectives for the June  that I will go after.

The first and the main goal of the month is progress. No matter how big it is – important is the progress and moving forward! Yes, these 2 days, let’s be honest, was not all about working out every day,  but rather – “let’s try this local dish” or “ this dessert looks heavenly – I must try it!” so I need to get back on my clean eating and training schedule, but sometimes it is good just to give yourself a break and enjoy the life’s guilty pleasures (well as long as they are balanced).

Before leaving for Palermo I closed my 31 day challenge and I must say I did good Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Today is first day of May and that means that here in Milan is opening of the World Expo whih will be for next 6 months. This time the theme is Feeding the Planet – Energy for life, so it means all about food, nutrition, living on this planet. Already set my plans to go to visit it and see all the pavilions for myself but will wait when the buzz goes down and therefore having an lazy day at home and cooking is one of my favorite thing to do.

This time I am going to share my newest experiment – bread – olive bread recipe.  Read More

Fit food & Drinks

Happy Friday everyone! Today is my last day at Germany (Cologne-Dusseldorf) and ready to return back to Milan.

Sometimes Friday arrives with so much fatigue and tiredness that all you want to do is to stay in, watch some good movie and relax and when there is a movie there is a automatic need for a snack too.. to avoid eating all those chips and candies I came up with a lovely alternative – vegetable chips – zucchini and radish. Easy and fast and no bad fats nor bad calories but will definitely make you lick your fingers!

here comes the recipe: Read More


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About Me

happy girl, dancer, photographer, gym-goer, Herc., traveler, dreamer, explorer, color and moment collector, healthy food and recipe discoverer and tester